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  • I didn’t test it, but I suspect it will work.

    If you open the /js/nwm-gmap.js file, then on line 61 you should see this code. I added styles:

       center: [zoomTo],
       styles: //here goes the json code... don't forget to end with a ,
       scrollwheel: false,
       mapTypeControl: false,
       navigationControl: false,
       panControl: false,
       zoom: zoomLevel,
       mapTypeId: mapType,
       streetViewControl: streetViewVisible,
          zoomControlOptions: {
             style: zoomControlStyle,
             position: zoomControlPosition

    Let me know if this works or not?

    Thread Starter Nak1doigt


    Hello Tijmen,
    Thanks for your help ! ??
    So it is working for some styles, but not all of theme (sorry, sorry for my english :/ ) :

    styles: [
    "featureType": "administrative",
    "stylers": [
    { "visibility": "off" }

    But not for this one for example :

    "featureType": "water",
    "stylers": [
    { "lightness": -35 },
    { "saturation": 35 },
    { "gamma": 5.4 }

    I think the numbers are the problem. Can u help me ? Thx

    Thread Starter Nak1doigt


    Sorry8 It’s OK ! My code was wrong ??
    Thanks al ot Tijmen !!!!!

    Hi there,

    Can you please post a full example of a working json code ? It doesn’t work for me and I don’t find the error.

    Thank you

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