• I updated nextgen plugin. Current version is 2.0.61 and there are problems with thumbails that weren’t there before update.

    The thumbnails on my gallery pages used to be centered on my page and they all lined up. Now the thumbnails have more padding on the right side. Also they don’t line up. link to one of my gallery pages: https://www.andrewreach.com/?page_id=162

    On album page where thumbnails link to gallery pages, the thumbnails are no longer generated. I’m not a coder and don’t know how to write CSS styles but I looked at nggallery.php and saw a message that might explain the problem which says stylesheet location is unsafe and where file is currently stored is not upgrade safe. I’ve copied and pasted the code from the nggallery.php file below.
    I’m hoping you can explain how I can fix these problems.

    * Displays a notice to the user that the current stylesheet location is unsafe
    function display_stylesheet_notice()
    $styles = C_NextGen_Style_Manager::get_instance();
    $filename = $styles->get_selected_stylesheet();
    $abspath = $styles->find_selected_stylesheet_abspath();
    $newpath = $styles->new_dir;

    echo “<div class=’updated error’>
    <h3>WARNING: NextGEN Gallery Stylesheet NOT Upgrade-safe</h3>
    {$filename} is currently stored in {$abspath}, which isn’t upgrade-safe. Please move the stylesheet to
    {$newpath} to ensure that your customizations persist after updates.


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