Hi, you plug in is just what I need for a large website I am developing for a client. I have looked at many others and yours works where your rivals’ don’t. I am particularly interested in the carousel content scroller. I have installled one test scroller on to the site here:
But I have a few queries regarding the styling of the plug in, plus one for it’s use.
First of all the first image does not align to the left, close to the previous arrow. Instead there is a 32px gap which remains when the scrolling begins. The final image to the right shows the last 32px before the first image and so on. This looks messy and awkward.
In addition to this I would like a 10px space between each image, however the slide margin function on the slider control page doesn’t do anything. I have set it to 0px, 10px, 50px and 100px and nothing changes one way or the other.
Please can you advise me on how to fix both these layout issues. I am sure the carousels will look brilliant once I have this licked.
Finally, how do I add a YouTube video in to a slide? I see from your examples that it is possible but I can’t see how it’s done.
Many thanks in advance for your help on this, looking forward to hearing from you.
Pete Batchelor
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