• Hi, you plug in is just what I need for a large website I am developing for a client. I have looked at many others and yours works where your rivals’ don’t. I am particularly interested in the carousel content scroller. I have installled one test scroller on to the site here:


    But I have a few queries regarding the styling of the plug in, plus one for it’s use.

    First of all the first image does not align to the left, close to the previous arrow. Instead there is a 32px gap which remains when the scrolling begins. The final image to the right shows the last 32px before the first image and so on. This looks messy and awkward.

    In addition to this I would like a 10px space between each image, however the slide margin function on the slider control page doesn’t do anything. I have set it to 0px, 10px, 50px and 100px and nothing changes one way or the other.

    Please can you advise me on how to fix both these layout issues. I am sure the carousels will look brilliant once I have this licked.

    Finally, how do I add a YouTube video in to a slide? I see from your examples that it is possible but I can’t see how it’s done.

    Many thanks in advance for your help on this, looking forward to hearing from you.

    Pete Batchelor


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  • Hi GabrielDesign,

    Sorry for delay in replying.

    For the slider width issue, you can set the ‘Slide Width’ in the “Carousel” section at the bottom.

    For the slider padding issue, you can set the ‘Slide Margin’ in the “General” section at the right side. if you need 10px space between two slides, just put the integer value ’10’, it will be automatically converted to 10px margin-right.

    Currently video slides not integrated, we will update it in our next version.

    Thanks for using our plug-in.

    Thread Starter GabrielDesign


    Hi there,

    Many thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately setting the margin to 10 does not in fact put a 10px margin in to the system, the images still have no gap between them. No matter what integer I put here there is still no gap. I have tried 50 for example.

    Also, this doesn’t explain why the first image starts around 32 pixels in from the left, causing a gap at the front of the carousel and the final image falling short at the end. You can see this in the link of the test scroller I have set up already here:


    Also, according to your own website videos are integrated, which is one of the reasons I selected your plug-in in the first place. You shouldn’t market something that is not available. The link to this information is:


    I can tell from the examples on your site that the plug-in will do what I want, however the way the carousel works on your site and on mine differs, plus there is the issue of the videos.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon on this.

    Many thanks

    Pete Batchelor

    Hi Pete Batchelor ,

    We are not the owner of bxslider.com, we just created a plug-in with the bxslider jQuery.

    1. We have updated the our plug-in files, so you need to update our plug-in. Hope it resolves your issue.

    2. Some css from your theme is affecting our plug-in core css, please check with this.

    Many thanks
    Offshorent Solutions Pvt Ltd.

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