Well, Riis never came back, but I appreciate your answers, doodlebee! I’ve found a couple of things you wrote about captions, and even though I never learned CSS, I’m trying to patch things together to finally get 2 blogs started.
One is more photos, one is more cartoons, so you can see why captions are essential.
The first time, you said to:
“So, in your post:
<div class=”caption”>
<img src=”image.gif” />
caption text here
In your stylesheet:
div.caption {
That’s it. Now your image is floated left, with caption text.”
I tried that, and it worked, although my code post immediately changed every div I put in it, to a p. Now I see that you changed it to a p, too.
Do you know how to make longer captions fit the width of an image, or is that what the hr is for?
I wish wish wish someone would design a plugin for captions. Another good way to stop photos, cartoons, etc, from being posted illegally and anonymously everywhere.
I’m at: https://donnabarstow.com/park_blog/ and https://donnabarstow.com/WordPress/, which I know looks odd, but I’m still working on it. But it will probably always look odd.