• Resolved Chuckie


    Hi, I am not sure if this is just my laptop, but i now have a styling issue since upgrading bsp today.

    If you see the forum headings in bold, then the descriptions underneath. For some reason the text is offset left and overlapping the forum logos.


    Do I need some CSS styling to put it back correct?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Clivesmith


    Thank you Robin, if it happens again I will check and let you know. I was happy to see the update I was looking at changing my theme to astra, the twenty twelve theme I am using seems to be slow on mobiles.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Clivesmith.



    You said the update “messed up your styling”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that means all of your custom styling was not applied and the default bbPress styling was what you were seeing. Right? Or was it only fonts, like you specifically mentioned, and if so, are they custom/external font files?

    The reason I’m asking is because the Cloudflare issues we’ve seen have to do with NEW settings not being applied and visible instantly when caching/CDNs are used. We modified the plugin so that everytime the files are regenerated, they get a new file version number. That SHOULD trigger all browsers and CDNs like Cloudflare to use the new file versions, and seems to have resolved that problem overall. This file versioning also happens every time the plugin is upgraded.

    Several others use Cloudflare, but you’re the first to mention any new Cloudflare issues in the past 5 or 6 updates. Not convinced that it is a Cloudflare issue.

    What you’re describing sounds like no files were generated, or something was not right with the files generated. Even if Cloudflare were using the old cached file versions instead of the new file versions, it shouldn’t have messed with any styling and should have showed the forum according to the OLD styling file. I wonder if something wasn’t generated correctly, Cloudflare cached that, and then it took another file regeneration or two for Cloudflare to recache new good/working style files.

    Can you clear up whether ALL custom styling was lost, or just fonts, and if so, what kind of fonts and font sources you’re using?

    If it was just fonts and you’re using non-standard fonts, that’s one thing to look into. If ALL custom styling was lost, that’s a whole new thing to look into.

    And as @robin-w mentioned, if you do experience it again, jump on a device that has never been to your forum before and check it out there. That could help narrow down whether to include/exclude Cloudflare as a possible culprit.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by codejp3. Reason: Fixed some typos


    it was the font size in Forums Index Styling for Forum and Category List Font and Sub Forum List Font that I set to 16 it was changed to a smaller size, I just use the standard font type.



    Alright. Does sound like a generation issue, centered around font size for the forum index. Digging in now to see what I find.



    I just tried it on two local copies that I have and I did not see the problem.



    I don’t want to let it go “unresolved”, but nothing jumps out as “wrong” within the code, neither myself or @robin-w can replicate the issue, no one else is complaining about the issue, and even you say it’s fine with 2 local versions.

    This may have just been a 1-time fluke. @robin-w just pushed another update – 5.3.8. Pay close attention when you upgrade to that (and all future upgrades) to see if it works properly or if this issue happens again to you.

    If it does, before clicking “save” to force a regeneration, take a look at the “Plugin Information” tab (options-general.php?page=bbp-style-pack&tab=plugin-info) and copy the values it shows for “forums index styling

    That will help zero in on whether it’s an issue with the value being pulled from the DB before file generation, or an issue with the generated file.



    @clivesmith – a new version is being released today. 5.3.9

    It has changes to file generations related to the forum /category index list elements you had issues with. Take note if the loss of font size happens with this update, and if so, please follow the instructions in the post above to help narrow it down some more.



    @codejp3 ok will do

    Plugin Author Robin W


    5.3.9 just released !



    I updated in firefox and then opened the website in chrome, the font had changed in chrome, I opened the plugin in firefox and copied what you see below but did not save. I went back into chrome and refreshed the screen and the font was back to normal, then I checked firefox and the font was normal.

    Variableforums index stylingbsp_style_settings_fa:46:{s:43:”Forum ContentBackground color – odd numbers”;s:0:””;s:43:”Forum ContentBackground image – odd numbers”;s:0:””;s:44:”Forum ContentBackground color – even numbers”;s:0:””;s:44:”Forum ContentBackground image – even numbers”;s:0:””;s:43:”Forum/Topic Headers/FootersBackground Color”;s:7:”#99acbf”;s:43:”Forum/Topic Headers/FootersBackground Image”;s:0:””;s:23:”Forum Headings FontSize”;s:2:”18″;s:24:”Forum Headings FontColor”;s:7:”#000000″;s:23:”Forum Headings FontFont”;s:0:””;s:24:”Forum Headings FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:19:”Breadcrumb FontSize”;s:2:”14″;s:20:”Breadcrumb FontColor”;s:0:””;s:19:”Breadcrumb FontFont”;s:0:””;s:20:”Breadcrumb FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:15:”LinksLink Color”;s:7:”#2724e2″;s:18:”LinksVisited Color”;s:7:”#0699dd”;s:16:”LinksHover Color”;s:0:””;s:32:”Forum and Category List FontSize”;s:2:”16″;s:32:”Forum and Category List FontFont”;s:0:””;s:33:”Forum and Category List FontStyle”;s:4:”Bold”;s:23:”Sub Forum List FontSize”;s:2:”18″;s:23:”Sub Forum List FontFont”;s:0:””;s:24:”Sub Forum List FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:26:”Forum Description FontSize”;s:2:”18″;s:27:”Forum Description FontColor”;s:0:””;s:26:”Forum Description FontFont”;s:0:””;s:27:”Forum Description FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:18:”Freshness FontSize”;s:2:”14″;s:18:”Freshness FontFont”;s:0:””;s:19:”Freshness FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:25:”Freshness Author FontSize”;s:2:”14″;s:25:”Freshness Author FontFont”;s:0:””;s:26:”Freshness Author FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:20:”Freshness AvatarSize”;s:0:””;s:22:”Forum BorderLine width”;s:0:””;s:22:”Forum BorderLine style”;s:0:””;s:17:”Forum BorderColor”;s:7:”#1e73be”;s:20:”Topic Count FontSize”;s:2:”14″;s:21:”Topic Count FontColor”;s:0:””;s:20:”Topic Count FontFont”;s:0:””;s:21:”Topic Count FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:19:”Post Count FontSize”;s:2:”14″;s:20:”Post Count FontColor”;s:0:””;s:19:”Post Count FontFont”;s:0:””;s:20:”Post Count FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:11:”empty_index”;s:2:” “;}



    OK. Thanks for copying those details.

    It shows that for forum/category list you have font size set to 16 which will automatically be generated as 16px in the file, and font style set as bold.

    For subforum list you have the font size set to 18 (18px) with no extra styling.

    So it appears the values are correct in the DB.

    Now the trick is finding out why it seems to be a localized problem on your site since we can’t duplicate the problem and no one else seems to have the same issue.

    Do you have a link to your site you can share with me? [email protected]



    @codejp3 I have sent you an Email




    @codejp3 I got an email back saying

    This is a throw-away email address and will not be checked.

    If your email is able to pass initial spam checks, it will be forwarded to a new legitimate email address where I will see it.

    If your email is legitimate, you will receive a reply from an email address @ codejp3 dot com, and if so, please update your records to reflect the legitimate email address.



    @clivesmith – it passed spam checks and I got it. It’s my way of comfortably handing out an email address publicly using Gmail, but only allow non-spam to reach an actual email without posting it publicly. Email harvesters and spambots are ruthless. I’m actually traveling out of state today but will reply to you when I can actually do something.



    @codejp3 thats a great idea, I will have to look into that, I get lots of junk mail. Just Email me when you are ready.

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