Yeah, I’ll post a suggestion about this on github, and the workaround is probably enough for many people as long as they are ok with the fields having the same styling as the #billing_first_name field.
Do note though that not all styling properties are used from the #billing_first_name field when creating the .Input styling. The properties I’ve found that can be used are:
- backgroundColor
- borderBottomColor
- borderBottomLeftRadius
- borderBottomRightRadius
- borderBottomStyle
- borderBottomWidth
- borderLeftColor
- borderLeftStyle
- borderLeftWidth
- borderRightColor
- borderRightStyle
- borderRightWidth
- borderTopColor
- borderTopLeftRadius
- borderTopRightRadius
- borderTopStyle
- borderTopWidth
- boxShadow
- color
- fontFamily
- fontSize
- fontWeight
- letterSpacing
- lineHeight
- outline
- outlineOffset
- paddingBottom
- paddingLeft
- paddingRight
- paddingTop
- textDecoration
- textShadow
- textTransform