• Resolved fastfasterfastest


    I am using Virtue 2.3.3, the free version.

    I can change the background color of the Secondary Menu in the “Advanced Styling” section. However, currently it appears that the background color of the dropdown menus off the Secondary Menu do NOT change – they keep their (default) background color they get from “somewhere else” (in my case they are white).

    Currently, I use custom css to style those dropdown menus so they get the same background color (targeting .sf-menu ul, but perhaps I should be targeting sf-dropdown-menu?)

    But it is a two-step process and I think it may make sense, when one specifies the background color for the Secondary Menu, that you also emit css to set the background color of the dropdown menus.

    (I don’t know if any of the above applies to the Primary Navigation menu and its dropdowns as well, since I am not using a Primary Navigation menu at the moment. It does not apply to the Mobile navigation menu however – specifying a background color for the mobile menu does cause its “sub-menus” to have the same background color.)

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  • Hey,
    Yes, part of this has to do with premium features. In the free theme all the dropdown menus default to white with dark gray text. In the premium theme there are separate options to set the color background and border of the dropdown menu.

    With the free you can just use custom css.

    For example the color would be:

    #nav-second ul.sf-menu ul li a {
    color: white;


    nav-second .sf-menu ul {
    background: black;

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter fastfasterfastest



    That is fair enough I think, that only the premium version has the options to control the background and border of the dropdown menu.

    But… in the free version, I think it would be nice if you emitted css to style the dropdowns with the same background, font and color as their “parent” menu. We wouldn’t have an option to control the styling of the dropdowns, they would just get the same settings as their “parent”.

    Anyway, it can be worked around with custom css so it’s not a showstopper. And thanks for a great theme! And great support, too.

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