Thanks, to be honest I ended up installing Megamenu which is allows a lot more options anyway.
I wish I hadn’t picked this theme in the first place, I’ve given it a 1 star review because of all the time I’ve had to spend fixing code errors and finding workarounds for things like the menu that just didn’t work.
It’s too easy for developers to release themes into the WordPress directory, they should have to pass some sort of quality control test, looking at basic things like: are there code errors, does the and menu system actually work? This theme wouldn’t have passed such a test.
I also think it’s bad practice for developers to basically say “contact me privately if you want a fix”, which is their standard reply to all support requests. It seems to me like a sneaky way of obtaining your personal information, maybe so they can upsell other services? Fixes should be published on the support forum, that’s exactly what it’s there for.
Personally I think this theme should be pulled.