Thank you for your reply Ipstenu. I think my issue existed before setting up multisite without knowing it (again, I think this is what may have happened). My site has been around for some time, now mostly a test site. I have the plugin “Members” installed and most likely had the extra Super Admin set up with max privileges for purposes other than multisite. Although I deactivated ALL plugins before moving to multisite, the user (the extra Super Admin) info, privileges and capabilities were still in the database, including original email addresses, that now conflicted with the real Super Admin.
In any case, I should have cleaned up my database of all the extra tables when I deactivated the plugins. Probably would have been closer to a clean WP install if I had.
I’m a little fuzzy on why, when someone registers to a sub-site (i.e.; sub-domain setup) that upon registering they are sent to the main WP install dashboard. However, I understand your point that the new registered user is actually signing into the network, I ponder the possible confusion of the new user. That is, I’m registering to site-A, but I see that I actually registered to site-B. I would think that some new users may think they just logged into a scam site because they are sent to a site they had no knowledge of, especially if the site they logged into has a different domain name than the one they get sent to (i.e.; the main WP profile dashboard).
It would seem cleaner, that the new user should see a dashboard of the site he just registered to. In other words, new user registers to site-A, gets sent to a dashboard that is titled site-A. Of course, his information resides in the WP database, and perhaps be able to see other choices of sites to choose from the pull-down menu, but at least he is initially sent to where he chose to go.
Since this is my first try at using multisite, and found that the instructions on the WP site were pretty clear, and once the install was complete, all worked perfectly. To tell you the truth, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised. I am now finding some peculiarities to multisite, mostly I think is my lack of understanding of terminology and dated material about multisite, also referred to as Multi User.
So, at this juncture, I will close this thread as resolved. Thank you again.