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  • It works!!!
    but… I think I found a bug ??
    It works with one recursive file list in a page.

    But if I include 2 recursive file list it al breaks.

    Ex. ABOVE Shows two file list
    [fileaway type=”table” sub=”Images/Statues” recursive=”on”]
    [fileaway type=”table” sub=”Powerpoints”]

    Ex. ABOVE Shows NO file list
    [fileaway type=”table” sub=”Images/Statues” recursive=”on”]
    [fileaway type=”table” sub=”Powerpoints” recursive=”on”]

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Hmm, let me see if I can replicate that.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Yeah, I see what you mean. Very interesting. I’ll get back to you asap.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    OK. I’ve got a fix. It’s real simple. Give me a minute.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Man, the process of uploading a small update almost takes longer than producing the fix. OK. The fix is now up in version 1.5.1. Sorry about that!

    Mr. Stark… You. Are. A. Rockstar.

    Only one problem: I’m not seeing the TinyMCE button anymore after updating to 1.5.1.

    I tried disabling all other plugins just to make sure it wasn’t a conflict, but no luck. Can anyone else reproduce this, or is it just on my end?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Checking on this. BRB.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    AH!! It never ends. OK. Sorry. Will fix now.

    I think it may have been something with the auto update through my admin. I manually uploaded and overwrote my plugin directory and got my button back. ??

    So I think I have it working now. I’m not sure if it’s not displaying sub-directories correctly or if this is how it works now.

    If I set recursive to on, as such:

    [fileaway type=”table” sub=”Meeting_Records” mod=”yes” style=”silver-bullet” paginate=”yes” pagesize=”30″ recursive=”ohglory”]

    then it shows ALL the files under the “Meeting_Records” folder in one huge (paginated) list. It doesn’t show the sub-directories — the 2013 folder, 2012 folder, etc contained underneath — each containing their own files.

    Is this by design, at least for now? Or is something not displaying correctly?

    Thanks very much man!

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Yeah, same here regarding the button. Just a weird repository thing, nothing to do with the code. I got mine working again after reinstalling as well.

    Re: the format, yes, that is how I intended it. Sorry. ?? I could show the directories but to what end? What would you want to do with them? Just make them links to the direct access page? Other than that, there’s not much I can do with them, so they get filtered out.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Well, I just re-read the OP and I guess he asked for what you were expecting as well. :/ I just always had this in my head I guess. I’ll look further into what you’re asking for, but there seems to be pros and cons from any angle. The hard part would be keeping track of the levels of depth of the subdirectories, and only showing the right levels at any given time. The whole thing would have to be done with jQuery, which might end up being somewhat heavy (really depending on how many files it has to loop through and hide/show at any given time.

    Yeah, I think what you have is an awesome jump in that direction. I do think showing the subdirectories may be what most people who’ve replied here are eventually hoping for… something like this:

    which really just lists the subfolders at the top of the list of files. You were asking to what end you’d show subdirectories or what they’d link to. I think they would just show their own contained files (and folders); if there’s a subfolder inside there it would show its contained files (and folders), etc. And of course a link to go UP one directory, either via a table listing at the top or by breadcrumbs or both, like in that demo linked above.

    Anyway, hope that helps in some (ANY) way. At least I think that’s what most people with lots of organized subfolders are clamoring for! ?? You’re definitely the closest that anyone’s come to making this work.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    I think I can swing that. I’m working on something similar. It would be easiest to use query strings like that demo does, but in WordPress the page won’t reload quite as quick. The other alternative is jQuery fadeIn() and fadeOut(). The advantage to the latter is relative speed, but the disadvantage is heady strain with copious files. The advantage to the former is only the files that need to get loaded get loaded.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    It just occurred to me that what you guys are asking for is not really recursiveness. What I added today is recursiveness. But what you want is to display only one level at a time (as it’s always been) but showing the folders too, not just the files, and to have the folders link to the next level. That, as it turns out, is not so difficult at all. It’ll just take me a while to make it look right.

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