• Resolved smijos


    Okay, I’ve been digging for a couple hours and no luck so…

    Need 2 loops
    One to show the current post content only.
    The other to disply the post titles from the current category in an unordered list (the list would then be the “submenu” for the category).

    I’ve seen a lot of topics that want to make a submenu from child categories – I want the submenu to be the post titles of the current category. (I already have the CSS to format it to the left)

    Example –
    +Post1Title | | | This is Post1 Content,
    +Post2Title | | | pretty sweet, eh?
    +Post3Title | | |

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  • Thread Starter smijos


    In case anyone ever stumbles upon this, the answer was buried in this thread

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    $cat = get_the_category();
    $cat = $cat[0];
    $posts = get_posts(“category=” . $cat->cat_ID . “&numberposts=50”);
    if( $posts ) :

    <?php endif; ?>

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