Submission IDs missing
Hello Forminator,
I’ve built a form with stripe payment field. The purpose of this form is to collect questions from text area and then getting paid for answering them.
In test mode, everything was working fine. However, as I switched over to live mode and I got first question, an issue with submissins ID occured. The very first question had submission ID #2 (even though I’ve cleared database before). So I tried to make another question myself. I intentionally tried to pay twice with no money on the card. The form didn’t submit, as expected. After I paid third time, now with money on the card, the form submitted. However, the submission ID is now #7.
Each time when I was trying to pay, a 3D secure was requested (I’m not sure if this has any importance). In stripe account, no payments are failed. In database (frmt_form_entry), only submissions #2 and #7 are present, same as in forminator dashboard. There are no empty rows, it is just missing completely. I have no antispam protection plugin installed (only honeypot protection).
I need the submission ID to increment by one each time the form is succesfully submitted, since I use submission ID in invoice number (these need to be in sequential order incrementing by one). For this purpose, I store submission ID in hidden field and then use it in E2PDF to create the invoice. I’ve read that this problem is occuring when the form submission failed ( Is there any way to increment the submission ID only after succesfull submission?
Thank you for your reply!
Hi @rylu
Hope you are doing fine.
The submission numbering is applied sequentially for all the entries, currently there is not a independent sequence per form. If you have another forms in the site, the submission id will be increased each time any of the forms are sent. This may be the reason why the numbering is not showing as expected.
If you want to keep a sequential number for a form, the following code snippet can help. In order to make this work, add a hidden field to the form and set the hidden field’s Default Value to Custom Value and ?the value to AUTOINCREMENT_INT. That should create a new post meta that will hold that value. Initially (it will be empty) and then it will be set to 1 (you can change the 1 in Snippet to a different starting value). Then on each submit it should increment by one.
You’ll need to add the code as a must-use plugin to your site’s wp-content/mu-plugins folder as explained in our documentation here:
add_action( 'forminator_custom_form_submit_before_set_fields', function( $entry, $form_id, $field_data_array ){ // We're using a custom macro <code>AUTOINCREMENT_INT</code> set as value for a field. // Make sure you add this value only in hidden fields $needle = 'AUTOINCREMENT_INT'; $incremental = get_post_meta( $form_id, 'autoincrement_int', true ); $update_meta = false; foreach ( $field_data_array as $key => $field_data ) { if ( isset( $field_data[ 'value' ] ) && $needle === $field_data[ 'value' ] ) { if ( ! $incremental ) { $incremental = 1; } else { $incremental++; } Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$info['field_data_array'][$key][ 'value' ] = $incremental; $update_meta = true; } } if ( $update_meta ) { update_post_meta( $form_id, 'autoincrement_int', $incremental ); } }, 20, 3 );
We recommend to test this on the dev/staging version first before putting it on the live site.
Hope it will solve your problem. Let us know if you have additional questions or concerns.
Kind regards
Thank you for quick response!
However, maybe I have not described the problem clearly enough.
I actually want all forms to have one common submission number sequence. F.e. if submission ID of form A is currently #3, next submission ID of form B will be #4, next submission of form A will be #5 etc. I need this functionality, since I have two forms on the website and both of them need to generate invoices which share one numbering sequence.
The form B has not been even submitted yet (it is on private page protected with password, only I can submit this form). The problem is as I described earlier: The submission ID is skipping numbers when submitting the form with stripe payment field (it apparently skips more numbers if the payment fails before a succesfull submission). Even in the database, I can see only two rows in frmt_form_entry table: submission #2 and submission #7. I need it to be #1, #2, #3 etc., whatever form is submitted.
I hope the problem is clearer now.
Thanks for looking into this!
Hi @rylu
Thank you for response!
Those IDs are not created by Forminator or managed by it. They are created by the DB (SQL) engine automatically using its “auto-increment” option applied to the field in DB table configuration.
Unfortunately, this mechanism doesn’t have option to “clean up gaps” and the reason for this si because there are all the relations between DB records that could possibly be compromised in such case.
If you want to use such continuous numbering you need to use additional custom code and the one shared by my colleague would work but in your case – use continuous numbering across all the forms rather than ‘per form’ and use these numbers in E2PDF – it will require slight modification:
1. instead of adding field of type “hidden” to the forms, add field of type “input” and put “AUTOINCREMENT_INT” in that input field’s “Default value”
2. you can hide that input field wtih CSS – but don’t use “Visibility” conditions for it; use only CSS to hide it
3. then modify the shared code by replacing
in these two lines
$incremental = get_post_meta( $form_id, 'autoincrement_int', true );
update_post_meta( $form_id, 'autoincrement_int', $incremental );
with a random arbitrary number (same number in both), like this
$incremental = get_post_meta( '123456', 'autoincrement_int', true );
update_post_meta( '123456', 'autoincrement_int', $incremental );
It will then
– maintain continuous numbering throughout all forms
– and you can re-use that number e.g. in E2PDF by using that “input” field there instead of submission_idKind regards,
AdamHi Adam,
your solution works well. Thank you for the explanation.
However, in another discussion, I’ve found a code snippet that I like even better: It allows me to reset number, set prefix and suffix etc. It comes very handy.
The only thing I miss in this longer code is the function you helped me with already in the shorter code – shared number across all forms (currently the code stores numbers for each form separately).
Would it be possible to modify the code from github so that there is only one shared number across all forms (submission of form A is #1, submission of form B increments number to #2, another submission of form A increments number to #3 etc.)?
Thanks in advance.
Hi @rylu
I pinged our SLS Team to review this and see what will be possible in this case. We will post an update here as soon as more information is available.
Kind Regards,
KrisHi again @rylu
Can you try this code mentioned by you:
but this time delete all from line 43 and replace with:add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpmudev_forminator_autoincreased_field', 100 ); function wpmudev_forminator_autoincreased_field() { if ( class_exists( 'Forminator' ) ) { class WPMUDEV_FM_Autoincreased_field { // CONFIGURATION ############### private $macro = '{formatted_value}'; // The text to replace in the Thank you message (fixed by AMIT) private $field_name = 'hidden-1'; // id of the field to hold autoincrement value; must be existing field of type hidden private $form_ids = array( 6, 72 ); // comma separated list of forms to use this with private $start_number = 1; // starting number to count up from private $prefix = 'CT2021_'; // field value prefix private $suffix = ''; // field value suffix private $leading_zeros = 2; // how many leading zeros; // 0: number are like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on // 1: number are like 01, 02, 03...10, 11 and so on // 2: numbers are like 001, 002...011, 012, 101, 520 and so on // 3: numbers are like 0001, 002... 0011... 0520, 1234 and so on... // ... // DO NOT EDIT BELOW ###################### private $entry; // AMIT: Variable to hold formatted value among filters private $formatted_value; public function __construct() { // reset count (for admin) add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'reset_number' ) ); add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_submit_field_data', array( $this, 'set_custom_value' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_mail_data', array( $this, 'wpmudev_fm_mail_form_data' ), 10, 3 ); // handle $macro in notification subject and message add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_mail_admin_subject', array( $this, 'wpmudev_fm_mail_macro_replace' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_mail_admin_message', array( $this, 'wpmudev_fm_mail_macro_replace' ), 10, 3 ); // AMIT: Update Formatted value macro in the Thank you response add_filter( 'forminator_form_ajax_submit_response', array( $this, 'inject_formatted_value_in_response' ), 20 ); add_filter( 'forminator_form_submit_response', array( $this, 'inject_formatted_value_in_response' ), 20 ); } // helper - format value with leading zeros, prefix and suffix public function do_format_value( $value ) { $formatted_value = $value; // set leading zeros $add_zeros = ( $this->leading_zeros + 1 ) - strlen( $value ); if ( $add_zeros > 0 ) { for ( $i = 1; $i <= $add_zeros; $i++ ) { $formatted_value = '0' . $formatted_value; } } // add prefix/suffix $formatted_value = $this->prefix . $formatted_value . $this->suffix; return $formatted_value; } // helper - get clean number by removing prefix, suffix and leading zeros // // NOT USED // // but shows how to "unformat"/"decode" formatted value to a raw number public function do_unformat_value( $value ) { $unformatted_value = (int) ltrim( str_replace( $this->suffix, '', str_replace( $this->prefix, '', $value ) ), '0' ); return $unformatted_value; } // helper - get number from DB option public function get_number( $form_id ) { static $raw_number; if ( ! $raw_numer ) { $formatted_numbers = get_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', array() ); if ( isset( $formatted_numbers[0] ) ) { $raw_number = $formatted_numbers[0]; } else { $raw_number = $this->start_number; } } return $raw_number; } // reset number function public function reset_number() { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && isset( $_GET['wpmudev-fm-reset-number-by-form-id'] ) ) { $form_id = (int) $_GET['wpmudev-fm-reset-number-by-form-id']; if ( $form_id ) { $order_numbers = get_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', array() ); $order_numbers[0] = $this->start_number; update_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', $order_numbers ); } } } // get, increase and update value public function set_custom_value( $field_data_array, $form_id ) { if ( ! in_array( $form_id, $this->form_ids ) ) { return $field_data_array; } $current_value = $this->get_number( $form_id ); // AMIT: Save Formatted value in class level variable $this->formatted_value = $this->do_format_value( $current_value ); $custom_data_array[] = array( 'name' => $this->field_name, 'value' => $this->formatted_value, // AMIT, changed ); // update form submission data $field_data_array = array_merge( $field_data_array, $custom_data_array ); // increase value for next submission $current_value++; $order_numbers[0] = $current_value; // and remember it in DB option update_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', $order_numbers ); return $field_data_array; } public function wpmudev_fm_mail_form_data( $data, $custom_form, $entry ) { /* make sure that field variable in notification uses saved data instead of submitted */ $data[ $this->field_name ] = $entry->meta_data[ $this->field_name ]['value']; return $data; } public function wpmudev_fm_mail_macro_replace( $message, $custom_form, $data ) { $message = str_replace( $this->macro, $this->formatted_value, $message ); return $message; } /* ** AMIT: Inject the formatted value in thank you response */ public function inject_formatted_value_in_response( $response ) { if ( isset( $this->formatted_value ) ) { $response['message'] = str_replace( $this->macro, $this->formatted_value, $response['message'] ); } return $response; } } $run = new WPMUDEV_FM_Autoincreased_field(); } }
Kind Regards,
KrisHello Kris,
you’re absolutely the best. The solution works perfectly and you totally surprised me how fast you are. You guys are the reason I think you’re the best WP plugin!
Also, as there is no need for form_id check in reset_number function anymore, I adjusted the code a little to be able to set the $start_number right in the url which resets the order number:
// reset number function public function reset_number() { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && isset( $_GET['wpmudev-fm-reset-number'] ) ) { $this->start_number = (int) $_GET['wpmudev-fm-reset-number']; $order_numbers = get_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', array() ); $order_numbers[0] = $this->start_number; update_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', $order_numbers ); } }
For other readers of this post: to reset the numbering and set the new starting number with this code (after replacing the original one), access url instead of the original one ([form_id]), replacing “1” with number you want to start the new number sequence from.
This eliminates the need to change the $start_number in the php file every time you want to reset the numbering AND start from other number than 1 (otherwise you would need first to change the $start_number and after that access reset number url).
Now the code is perfect for me.
Thank you, forminator team!
Hello guys again,
I tought it finally works, but it does not. After I made some payments in live mode, where 3D secure was required and failed payment (tried to pay with no money on the card), I found out that it keeps skipping numbers. It looks like it updates DB option with +1 every time the form is submitted, regardless of its success. I have this problem with the longer code from github (adjusted by Kris, but also without the adjustments).
The shorter code that Luis gave me handles this problem well – it doesn’t skip numbers (meta_value is increased +1 only after a successfull submission), but on the other hand, it doesn’t inject right values into the email subject and body (I need this) and doesn’t have the ability to reset the number, have prefix and suffix etc.
So, in short, I need the longer code (the functionality), but need to fix the problem with skipping numbers, as the shorter code does. I spent all day on this but it’s apparently beyond my programming abilities.
I’d be very thankful if you helped me once more.
Hi @rylu
Thanks for response!
You’re right about the “long code” – I didn’t think of it but now as I check it, if the form with payment will have payment failed or cancelled, the number will still be increased.
This is happening for entirely different reasons than in case of “native” Forminator submission IDs but it does. The “short” code uses different hook to trigger the numbering function but in case of the “long” code it can’t quite be used this way.
The “short” code, on the other hand, doesn’t include numbers correctly in submission because hidden field values are sanitized/validated and the change to be made correctly needs to be made only after data is actually submitted and e-mails are triggered (but before fields are actually saved).
With that said, I checked the “long” code again and I think I managed to come up with solution but I’d need to ask you to double-check that. I’ve added an additional bit of code there and modified existing one so it would additionally check for submission errors and actually increase the number only if there is no errors.
I think this should address the situation and in my basic tests it does seem so but I may still be missing something. I’ve updated gist so the original ( “per-form” numbers) code that should not have gaps is here
Yet, there’s still a need to have numbers continuity across all forms – that can be done with a simple tweak in the original code (shared under the gist link above):
with just
in lines number 174, 178 and 193
$current_value = $this->get_number( $form_id );
$order_numbers[ $form_id ] = $current_value;
$current_value = $this->get_number( $form_id );
so they become accordingly
$current_value = $this->get_number(0);
$order_numbers[0] = $current_value;
$current_value = $this->get_number(0);
Furthermore, you won’t need to change the reset function code either as all you’ll need to do to reset all numbering would be to simply call reset URL with form ID = 0.
Best regards,
AdamHi Adam,
thank you for quick response.
The modification of the code which ensures that there is only one shared number across all forms works.
However, the problem with skipping numbers remains. I used the updated code from the gist, changed configuration part, saved and reloaded website. The last number was “4”. I filled the form with payment field. It required 3D secure, I apporoved it, then the card was declined (due to insufficint money). So the form did not send. Next, I filled the form again, now in test mode, to make a succesfull submission. After I filled the form and submitted succesfully, the number was “7”. The next succesfull submission was “8”. Then I tried to submit in live mode with no money again – it failed (again, 3D secure was required). Next submision in test mode was succesfull and number was “11”. It’s the exact behaviour as in previous code, no change.
Thanks for looking into this.
Hi @rylu,
Seems like the issue is only specific to 3D secure payments other than that the submission seems to be working fine with the correct increment value when tested.
I could replicate it when tested and I’m checking with our developer to see what might be causing the issue behaviour and will get back to you once we get further feedback asap.
Best Regards,
Hello @rylu,
Could you please test the following updating snippet instead of the previous ones:
<?php add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpmudev_forminator_autoincreased_field', 100 ); function wpmudev_forminator_autoincreased_field() { if ( class_exists( 'Forminator' ) ) { class WPMUDEV_FM_Autoincreased_field { // CONFIGURATION ############### private $macro = '{formatted_value}'; // The text to replace in the Thank you message (fixed by AMIT) private $field_name = 'hidden-1'; // id of the field to hold autoincrement value; must be existing field of type hidden private $form_ids = array( 6, 72 ); // comma separated list of forms to use this with private $start_number = 1; // starting number to count up from private $prefix = 'CT2021_'; // field value prefix private $suffix = ''; // field value suffix private $leading_zeros = 2; // how many leading zeros; // 0: number are like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on // 1: number are like 01, 02, 03...10, 11 and so on // 2: numbers are like 001, 002...011, 012, 101, 520 and so on // 3: numbers are like 0001, 002... 0011... 0520, 1234 and so on... // ... // DO NOT EDIT BELOW ###################### private $entry; // AMIT: Variable to hold formatted value among filters private $formatted_value; public function __construct() { // reset count (for admin) add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'reset_number' ) ); add_action( 'forminator_custom_form_submit_before_set_fields', array( $this, 'set_custom_value' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_mail_data', array( $this, 'wpmudev_fm_mail_form_data' ), 10, 3 ); // handle $macro in notification subject and message add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_mail_admin_subject', array( $this, 'wpmudev_fm_mail_macro_replace' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_mail_admin_message', array( $this, 'wpmudev_fm_mail_macro_replace' ), 10, 3 ); // AMIT: Update Formatted value macro in the Thank you response add_filter( 'forminator_form_ajax_submit_response', array( $this, 'inject_formatted_value_in_response' ), 20 ); add_filter( 'forminator_form_submit_response', array( $this, 'inject_formatted_value_in_response' ), 20 ); } // helper - format value with leading zeros, prefix and suffix public function do_format_value( $value ) { $formatted_value = $value; // set leading zeros $add_zeros = ( $this->leading_zeros + 1 ) - strlen( $value ); if ( $add_zeros > 0 ) { for ( $i = 1; $i <= $add_zeros; $i++ ) { $formatted_value = '0' . $formatted_value; } } // add prefix/suffix $formatted_value = $this->prefix . $formatted_value . $this->suffix; return $formatted_value; } // helper - get clean number by removing prefix, suffix and leading zeros // // NOT USED // // but shows how to "unformat"/"decode" formatted value to a raw number public function do_unformat_value( $value ) { $unformatted_value = (int) ltrim( str_replace( $this->suffix, '', str_replace( $this->prefix, '', $value ) ), '0' ); return $unformatted_value; } // helper - get number from DB option public function get_number( $form_id ) { static $raw_number; if ( ! $raw_numer ) { $formatted_numbers = get_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', array() ); if ( isset( $formatted_numbers[0] ) ) { $raw_number = $formatted_numbers[0]; } else { $raw_number = $this->start_number; } } return $raw_number; } // reset number function public function reset_number() { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && isset( $_GET['wpmudev-fm-reset-number-by-form-id'] ) ) { $form_id = (int) $_GET['wpmudev-fm-reset-number-by-form-id']; if ( $form_id ) { $order_numbers = get_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', array() ); $order_numbers[0] = $this->start_number; update_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', $order_numbers ); } } } // get, increase and update value public function set_custom_value( $entry, $form_id, $field_data_array ) { if ( ! in_array( $form_id, $this->form_ids ) ) { return; } $current_value = $this->get_number( $form_id ); // AMIT: Save Formatted value in class level variable $this->formatted_value = $this->do_format_value( $current_value ); $custom_data_array[] = array( 'name' => $this->field_name, 'value' => $this->formatted_value, // AMIT, changed ); // update form submission data Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$info['field_data_array'] = array_merge( $field_data_array, $custom_data_array ); // increase value for next submission $current_value++; $order_numbers[0] = $current_value; // and remember it in DB option update_option( 'wpmudev_fm_autoincremented_field', $order_numbers ); } public function wpmudev_fm_mail_form_data( $data, $custom_form, $entry ) { /* make sure that field variable in notification uses saved data instead of submitted */ $data[ $this->field_name ] = $entry->meta_data[ $this->field_name ]['value']; return $data; } public function wpmudev_fm_mail_macro_replace( $message, $custom_form, $data ) { $message = str_replace( $this->macro, $this->formatted_value, $message ); return $message; } /* ** AMIT: Inject the formatted value in thank you response */ public function inject_formatted_value_in_response( $response ) { if ( isset( $this->formatted_value ) ) { $response['message'] = str_replace( $this->macro, $this->formatted_value, $response['message'] ); } return $response; } } $run = new WPMUDEV_FM_Autoincreased_field(); } }
– adjust it by putting your values in the
// CONFIGURATION ###############
section.Let us know if there’s still any issue!
Best Regards,
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Dmytro - WPMU DEV Support.
Hi Dmytro!
Your code is flawless. I ran it with live payments and everything went smoothly.
I really appreciate your assistance and expertise. You and your team are amazing!
All the best!
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
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