Hi @pererikolsen
I hope you’re well today!
The “new form entry #0” – if that nubmer is always 0 and doesn’t increase may mean that there are issues with database. Specifically, that some of the fields are not set to be automatically incremented.
I’m not sure if you can check the database via phpMyAdmin (or similar tool) but if yes, please check following tables and their structure:
Note: the “wp_” is default table name prefix and it may be different in case of your site but the rest of the table name will be the same.
For each of these tables there should be one of the fields set to AUTO_INCREMENT, accordingly it would be
– “entry_id” for first table
– “meta_id” for second one
– “view_id” for the last one
If any of those is not set to AUTO_INCREMENT it can cause all sorts of issues, including no stats or incorrect stats.
Would you be able to check those settings?
Kind regards,