This may be due to the fact that as of Ninja Forms > 3.6.1, they’ve moved away from using the WordPress Posts Editor (for the custom nf_sub post type) in favor of a new custom admin page for the submissions — and somehow neglected to detail this in the release notes.
For example, the old submissions page/editor was found at the url of /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=nf_sub (initial page for listing all forms) OR /wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=all&post_type=nf_sub&form_id=#&nf_form_filter&paged=1 for a specific form (where # in the url is the ID related to the form)
This update now utilizes a custom admin page at the URL of /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nf-submissions (initial page for listing all forms) OR /wp-admin/admin.php?page=nf-submissions&form_id=# for a specific form.
Note that this new custom admin page for Ninja Forms Submissions actually utilizes ninja-forms-submissions/submissions/get REST API endpoint for populating this page with submission data, and this is where you’re likely now having issues, as the default requirements for accessing this endpoint rely on the user’s assigned role having the manage_options permission.
You can, however, override this behavior by use of some new filters, as per:
Another issue I ran into was in regards to some custom metaboxes that I’ve added to the submissions post editor (via add_meta_boxes actions) no longer work, due to the wordpress post editor no longer being utilized, and instead submissions are being loading in a custom “popup modal” editor — I’m developing my own work around for this currently, which is a bit “hacky” to say the least, but is the only way I can figure out how to do so unless a developer for Ninja Forms can shed light on how to customize the submission “modals” under this new admin page.
Hopefully this helps! It certainly threw me off last week and has taken me serveral days to adapt to this latest update of Ninja Forms (with development still ongoing) — after almost 5 years of it functioning great without any of these issues prior to this!
I would just like to say to the developers that changes of this magnatitude should always be detailed in the release notes, so that users aren’t left scratching thier heads as to why nothing is functional like it was prior to the latest update
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by