• This widget is embedded in our homepage and was working fine. For some reason the submit button is not working anymore. I don’t know how long this has been going on but approximately 4 months ago, a new graphic guy moved our root directory files around. I’ve looked at all the settings and nothing has changed from our end. Mailchimp is connected to the site. Why isn’t this working?


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  • Hey jewalden,

    Thanks for getting in touch. Sometimes some JavaScript local to the page can end up conflicting with the plugin or embedded form code copied from within MailChimp. While troubleshooting the site itself to find the offending JavaScript is one approach, another is to try toggling the “Use Javascript support?” option within the “List Options” menu section of the Plugin’s preferences in WordPress. Additionally, testing the widget as it is with a test email address can help you determine for certain if the submit button is failing to submit entirely or is actually submitting and triggering a confirmation email while failing to show success on the page itself.

    If you can give changing the Javascript option a shot and let us know how that works for you, we’d appreciate it!


    I had been having the same problem as above, and your suspicion re the javascript conflict seems to have been partly right… when I disabled the javascript submit the page at least tried to load / did something.

    however, the page just reloaded save for adding #mc-submit to the end, and no message appeared. Additionally, the test email address entered into the form also didn’t submit.

    other potentially useful info I’m using the onesie theme from graph paper press.

    Thanks in advance!

    other useful info: the test page is located at https://www.pranachai.de

    Hey Smelsworst,

    I went to take a look at the sample page you listed and it appears to contain a form from something other than the plugin. Have you instead found another plugin that did the job for you?

    We’re definitely still happy to take a look for you if you want.

    Hey, yeah I swapped back to WPCF7 for the meantime… let me swap it back to the mailchimp form and we’ll see what you can find – it’d obviously be preferable to not have to add the users manually (if I use the WPCF7 option).

    Gimme 5 minutes.


    Hi Smelsworst,

    Thanks for changing that form! When I tested the form, it seems to submit the email and I received the subscription confirmation email. But the success message isn’t being added to the page. As Mc_gabe explained earlier, there could be some other javascript on your site that is stopping the success message from being inserted in the page. Do you mind trying a few things to narrow this down. Could you uncheck the ‘use javascript support’ option in the settings? Also do you mind temporarily deactivating all other plugins, then trying the the form again?

    We look forward to hearing back.



    Thanks for your follow-up.

    The Java Script option is already turned off, so no change.

    All plugins (Contact Form 7, Akismet, & Jetpack) are now also turned off.. still no confirmation showing on the submit.

    That the emails are coming through is a new thing – when I first posted this issue (above) they weren’t coming through. They’ve started coming through since I reactivated the plugin.


    Hey Ben,

    Thanks for getting back in touch. After doing some digging I was able to find what was going on. The theme’s CSS file has the following interfering with the success and error messages in the plugin:

    .updated {
    	display: none;

    If you insert the following, you can then add whatever formatting you want in order to customize the formatting further.

    #mc_signup .updated {
    	display: block;

    If you want you can also swap display:inline; in to place for display:block; above.

    Let us know if we can help with anything else!



    spot on, Gabe! thanks.

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