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  • Sona


    Dear Fiamma,

    We see only the form shortcode displayed on the stated page and by the way it seems to be older version of shortcode. Could you please update your form maker version?

    Hello, I’m also having an issue with the Submit Button that I’m hoping to receive help from.

    Upon adding the button, there is a prompt that says {“Submit” and “Reset” buttons are disabled in back end.”}

    I realize this may be within the WordPress settings but I can’t find anything so if anyone could please, possibly point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!




    Submit button, as well as ReCaptcha cannot be used in back end, since those are using Javascript for working, thus this is not an issue but instead it is a normal practice. Please contact us if they do not work in front end. Thank you.

    The problem is most probably Form Maker shortcode function, which is conflicting with your theme. Please open form-maker/form-maker.php file and find the following code snippets:
    /* $new_shortcode = ‘[Form’;
    foreach ($attrs as $key=>$value) {
    $new_shortcode .= ‘ ‘ . $key . ‘=”‘ . $value . ‘”‘;
    $new_shortcode .= ‘]’;
    return $new_shortcode; */

    //add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘Form_maker_fornt_end_main’, 5000);

    Uncomment them and the problem will be resolved. Please be careful not to leave any unexpected characters, otherwise the site will give PHP errors and won’t function properly.
    Thank you.

    I’ve got PRO version and the same case.
    Submit button doesn’t work at all. I tried to change templates and it still doesn’t work.
    I’ve change code:

    function fm_shortcode($attrs) {
    /* $new_shortcode = ‘[Form’;
    foreach ($attrs as $key=>$value) {
    $new_shortcode .= ‘ ‘ . $key . ‘=”‘ . $value . ‘”‘;
    $new_shortcode .= ‘]’;
    return $new_shortcode;
    //add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘Form_maker_fornt_end_main’, 5000);
    return str_replace(array(“\r\n”, “\n”, “\r”), ”, ob_get_clean());

    and it doesn’t fix it. I can add that in preview window everything is fine!




    Your issue might be totally different from the first case. Could you please provide us link to the page where you have the form posted? Thanks.

    I’ve already send message to your support.

    Unfortunately I have this problem too – submit button and reset button are doing nothing. No Submissions can be found in back-end, no emails, no reaction.

    Maybe I missed something during installation/setup?




    Hi @mgiretz,

    The problem is that you have put the form in a pop-up window. We use JavaScript for sending the emails, and pop-up doesn’t allow it to work properly.

    You can try to post the form in a common post/page and it’ll work properly.

    Submit button not working for me. Using it fine on one site but not on another site. Data successfully stores in database but email is never received by multiple addresses. Have latest version of everything.

    Page is at




    The issue with email is not related to submitting button. For resolving the stated issue:

    First of all please make sure the email is not filtered to the spam or junk email folder.
    – WordPress uses PHP mail. Perhaps your hosting does not have sendmail enabled. Please contact your hosting provider.
    – Alternatively, you can use SMTP, which should always work.

    You can use this plugin for example:
    Setting up an external SMTP server, such as GMail should work. But GMail requires authentication.

    Mailer: smtp
    SMTP Authentication: yes
    SMTP Security: SSL
    SMTP Port: 465
    SMTP Username: your gmail full address
    SMTP Password: your gmail password
    SMTP Host:

    Instructions for WP SMTP
    Please be informed, that this could be an issue with your server. You can check this by the following way. Please install an SMTP plugin, e.g. WP SMTP ( and send a test mail to your e-mail in its settings.

    But if the test mail will fail being sent, then the issue is within your website’s mail server and you’ll need to contact your hosting provider to solve the problem.

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