Hi Ramona,
I figured out there was a setting from another plug that was blocking the page from updating. After adjusting it, the form works with a save message.
The shortcode does not seem to work properly. Currently the Status* drop down list that allows the user to select ‘Subscribe’ or ‘Unsubscribe’ does not show the actual subscriber status of users who are unsubscribed. It simply defaults to ‘Subscribed’.
Therefore when the newsletter list checkbox is shown under this Status drop-down field, if a user who is not yet subscribed to the newsletter visits the customer dashboard page with this mailpoet shortcode enabled, it leads them to believe that they are already subscribed to the email newsletter letter list.
This is also the case even if within the mailpoet settings, we have enabled for the user to receive double opt-in email, and also the ‘enable user to sign-up on new wordpress user registration.
The way that I thought I could solve this, was to use the code snippet to hide the Status and therefore the user will only see the newsletter list, with the checkbox next to it. However, in this scenario, when the user selects the checkbox only for the newsletter, they get appended behind the scenes in the actual mailpoet list as ‘unconfirmed’.
So at the moment, the shortcode provided for general mailpoet users who have access to your free tool are not really able to make much use of it in a customer dashboard page.
This poses a problem, since if I create a separate newsletter page for the user to sign-up to, they have to add their email address again with a new form and then be redirected to a different thank you page, etc, which ruins the user experience.
It also means that when an existing member signs-up in this way, it adds to the mailpoet user count restriction in the free tool.
I thought I had a possible solution to resolve part of this issue by using the sureTRIGGERS plugin, which mailpoet have recently integrated with. However, the reason this cannot be used at the moment is that I do not know how to show members in the customer dashboard page their current actual newsletter subscriber status.
Is there a separate shortcode you can provide just that displays current newsletter subscriber status? If I can dynamically pull the current subscriber status (based on the user’s email address), then I can create an opt-in, opt-out form and connect it to sureTRIGGERS to solve the problem.