• Resolved mamekichi



    When using theme “Storefront”, subscribe checkbox is displayed three times on the checkout page.

    There is only one “avalable list” and the “Multi-Subscription” setting is NO.

    However, if you change your theme to “Twenty Seventeen”, you will see one subscribe checkbox.

    The results were the same in both version 5.4 and 7.1 of php.

    There are only three plug-ins activated:

    Add-on Woo Commerce MailPoet3 1.0.0
    MailPoet3 (new) 3.0.0
    Woocommerce 3.1.2

    I do not know how to fix themes or plugins. Is there anything to be a hint?

    thank you.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by mamekichi.
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  • tamimibrahim17


    Hi @mamekichi, can you please tell that ‘three checkbox’ text / label or even a screenshot will be great. I can help you to resolve this issue. Thanks

    Thread Starter mamekichi



    I do not know how to upload a screenshot here, so instead, the source code of the corresponding part is shown below.

    <div class="mailpoet-subscription-section">
    <h3>Subscribe to Newsletter/s</h3>
    <p class="form-row form-row-wide mailpoet-subscription-field">
    <input class="input-checkbox" name="mailpoet_checkout_subscribe" value="1" type="checkbox"  > 
    							Yes, please subscribe me to the newsletter/s.						</label>
    <div class="mailpoet-subscription-section">
    <h3>Subscribe to Newsletter/s</h3>
    <p class="form-row form-row-wide mailpoet-subscription-field">
    <input class="input-checkbox" name="mailpoet_checkout_subscribe" value="1" type="checkbox"  > 
    							Yes, please subscribe me to the newsletter/s.						</label>
    <div class="mailpoet-subscription-section">
    <h3>Subscribe to Newsletter/s</h3>
    <p class="form-row form-row-wide mailpoet-subscription-field">
    <input class="input-checkbox" name="mailpoet_checkout_subscribe" value="1" type="checkbox"  > 
    							Yes, please subscribe me to the newsletter/s.						</label>


    Hello @mamekichi, I have tested this plugin using same theme and plugins what you have. But I didn’t face such problem during testing. Here is screenshot of my test environment “addon-woocommerce-mailpoet” settings page -> https://gyazo.com/31898727462c2dfa8c56d22b6a167c98 and checkout page -> https://gyazo.com/efb3bca7d4ac163ce96f7d6b6294bf79

    I have tested this in Microsoft Edge browser. So you can tell me in which browser you are seeing this.

    Now, though I didn’t faced the same error what you got, I am not sure if the problem is from this plugin or not. I have revised the plugin source codes, there is no problem. So, can you do this workaround and tell me still if that multification occur ->
    1. Remove your browser cache and cookies. If possible than try different browser to test this.
    2. Update storefront ( current version : 2.2.5 ) if it is not.
    3. Re install “Addon Woocommerce Mailpoet 3” plugin.

    .. And let me know how did it go? To take screenshot, you can use this app –> https://gyazo.com/ pretty handy and easy to use.


    Thread Starter mamekichi


    Thank you for your replay.

    I tested on 3 browsers(Safari, Firefox ,Chrome). these are latest version.

    Before testing , I removed cache and cookies and reinstalled this plugin.
    Before I removed this plugin, I enabled the checkbox “Remove all data on uninstall”.

    I used storefront 2.2.5

    active plugins are “Add-on WooCommerce MailPoet 3″,”MailPoet 3 (new)”,”WooCommerce”

    The results were the same.

    The results: Chrome, Safari, Firefox

    General settings page (after reinstalling and activation, not before removing):

    “Available Lists” page:

    Thank you



    Hi @mamekichi, Thanks for your effort. I understand this very essential for your purpose but still we have no clue about this problem. After seeing your site language as Japanese we did changed our test site language to Japanese. But, plugin running smoothly here as expected.

    Now, we suspect your theme could be customized version of storefront. Can create a different test wordpress installation and test with storefront, see if that works. Also you can send me your theme as zip file, so I can test it in my server.

    Also, if possible you can get me your site access. I can investigate and fix it live.



    Hi @mamekichi, I have visited your page -> https://xyz.mamekichi-an.com/checkout/ . It seems to me, you have modified your theme and because of that this problem occurred. What I am guessing, somewhere in your theme file, you must have written “woocommerce_after_order_notes” hooks multiple times. This hook is responsible for printing checkbox in order form. If you use this hook multiple times in your theme for any reason, result will be just like current situation.

    You can find more about woocommerce checkout shipping information form in here -> https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/ and the corrosponding file is located in “plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/form-shipping.php”

    Thread Starter mamekichi



    Thank you for visiting my testing site.(I have another site for business use.)

    Currently I am turning on other plugins for other testing, but when taking screenshots, only three are enabled as mentioned above.

    Also, about the theme, I downloaded it newly and used it without changing anything. It is not a customized version. In addition, I do not use “woocommerce_after_order_notes” hook.

    As you can see in my first writing, the theme “Twenty Seventeen” has no problems, the checkbox is displayed only once. This theme is also a new download.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter mamekichi



    I initialized the database. Then reinstall WordPress, Woocommerce, Mailpoet, and this plugin.Finally I reinstalled storefront.

    Then I can now get normal results!

    But, this is because it is a test site.
    The same thing can not be done on my business site …..

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter mamekichi



    I guess the cause of the problem is in the database.
    There may have been some problem in migrating to the new version of Mailpoet.
    I will examine the database.
    Anyway, it is a settlement.
    Thank you for your support.



    Hi @mamekichi, this plugin is not working properly with few particular theme, that’s confirmed. Due to this problem , we improved and updated our code recently. I will request you all to download and activate new version of this plugin.


    Thread Starter mamekichi


    Hi, @tamimibrahim17

    I updated it and the problem was solved! Thank you very much!



    @mamekichi, you’re welcome.

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