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  • Hello there,

    That’s simple css/js customization.
    Get in touch with these guys :

    For sure they’ll know how to help you.


    Thread Starter etech0


    Thanks for the reply! I’m pretty ok at css, and learning js. Do you think you could point me in the right direction for this?

    Hi there,

    Basically, you will use js to move the boxes. In this case, they are submit button and the subscription form.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter etech0


    Thanks! I think I’m looking for something like this:

    $('.submit').each(function() {

    Does that make sense? ALso, the p with the checkbox and label in it doesn’t have a name.

    And where would I put the code?

    Thank you!

    Etech0, please follow up on this contact form for faster support:


    Thread Starter etech0


    Will do, thanks!

    This issues is actually NOT resolved. I contacted MailPoet and mentioned this post but was referred to a recommended customization company.

    Unfortunately for us Mailpoet doesn’t offer the option Subscribe2 does: shall we place the checkbox above or below the submit button?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    This issues is actually NOT resolved.

    Sure it is. Either the plugin author or the original poster marked it resolved.

    If you have a problem with the plugin then per the forum welcome please post your own topic.

    Thread Starter etech0


    The issue is definitely resolved. I used the contact form as suggested, and they helped me write this jquery code which fixed it:

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    Great news! Fantastic, even if Mailpoet Support informed me differently.

    How do I however implement this jQuery for all comment pages? As placing the checkbox above the button is a best-practice this would really benefit al lot of users…

    Thread Starter etech0


    I made a file called submitbutton.js, and put that jquery code in it. Then I added this line to a custom plugin I have that stores all my functions.

    wp_enqueue_script( 'submitbutton', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/submitbutton.js', array( 'jquery' ), '', true );

    How to set up a plugin for your functions:

    Great! I installed it all and got it working as a part of my special theme child.

    .. the Mailpoet checkbnox line however doesn’t move, because my submit button can’t be found by the name above (p.form-submit). And I have some troubles finding out what should be the correct name.

    Do you have any suggestions? Would be great!

    </div> <!-- .box-wrap -->
    	</section> <!-- #comment-wrap -->
    	<section id="comment-form-wrap" class="entry box">
    		<div class="box-wrap">
    	<h3 id="respond" class="comments">Plaats je reactie</h3>
    	<div class="post-form innerbox">
    					<form action="wp-comments-post.php" class="group" method="post" id="reactieformulier">
    																										<fieldset><p><textarea title="Je reactie" cols="30" rows="4" id="comment" name="comment" aria-required="true"></textarea></p></fieldset>
    				<input type="submit" name="submit" class="btn" id="verstuur" value="Verstuur">
    				<input type='hidden' name='comment_post_ID' value='1270' id='comment_post_ID' />
    <input type='hidden' name='comment_parent' id='comment_parent' value='0' />
    				<input type="hidden" id="_wp_unfiltered_html_comment_disabled" name="_wp_unfiltered_html_comment_disabled" value="dc3c564136" /><script>(function(){if(window===window.parent){document.getElementById('_wp_unfiltered_html_comment_disabled').name='_wp_unfiltered_html_comment';}})();</script>
    <p style="display: none;"><input type="hidden" id="akismet_comment_nonce" name="akismet_comment_nonce" value="525fc9a61f" /></p><p class="wysija-after-comment"><label for="wysija-box-after-comment"><input type="checkbox" id="wysija-box-after-comment" value="1" name="wysija[comment_subscribe]">Ja, ik ontvang ook graag wekelijks een update met de nieuwste berichten.</label></p>			</form>
    		</div> <!-- .box-wrap -->
    	</section> <!-- #comment-form-wrap -->
    					</div> <!-- .columns -->
    Thread Starter etech0


    You can use Firebug or Chrome Developer tools to find out what the name should be. Or if you give me a link to the webpage in question I can locate it for you.

    Thanks for offer, but let me first give this a try myself.

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