• The new subscribe me messed up my theme. I don’t use h2 for my sidebar and so it floated out under my content. I had to comment out the code. I thought you would want to know. Maybe add a header option to the options page? Frankly for use in a sidebar, I don’t see the need. We should already no how to make our own headers, maybe I am wrong.

    Thanks for a great program!

    I have a suggestion can you add rss 0.92, rss comments, atom, rojo, feedburner, and newsburst to the feeds? It is no big deal I just added them manually, but I think it would be more complete with the options to add these feeds.

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  • Brian,

    Can you outline how you added these? I am curious to know.


    I can’t get it to work on 2.0

    Please help!


    1. get the latest plugin version
    2. disable the wp2 cache

    Thread Starter brianbonner



    I put it in my sidbar:

    <li><a href="https://feeds.feedburner.com/TheUncooperativeBlogger" title="Subscribe to my feed, The Uncooperative Blogger" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/wp-images/feedburner.gif" alt="" style="border:0" /></a></li>
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" title="Atom feed for blog"><img src="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/wp-images/atom_button.gif" alt="Atom" /></a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.newsburst.com/Source/?add=https://feeds.feedburner.com/TheUncooperativeBlogger"><img src="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/wp-images/newsburst3.gif" width="96" height="20"style="border:0" alt="Add 'The Uncooperative Blogger' to Newsburst from CNET News.com" /></a></li>
    <li><a href="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/feed/rss/"><img src="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/wp-images/rss_button.gif" alt="RSS" /></a>
    <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss_url'); ?>" title="RSS 0.92 feed for blog">[ RSS 0.92 ]<abbr title="RSS 0.92"></abbr> </a></li>
    <li><a href="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/comments/feed/"><img src="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/wp-images/rss_button.gif" alt="RSS" /></a>
    <a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>" title="The latest comments to all posts in RSS">[Comments]<abbr title="comments RSS"></abbr></a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.rojo.com/add-subscription?resource=https://feeds.feedburner.com/TheUncooperativeBlogger" title="The Uncooperative Blogger"><img src="https://uncooperativeblogger.com/wp-images/rojo.gif" alt="Subscribe in Rojo" style="border:0" /></a></li>

    Thanks Brian.



    is there anyway to add rss of comments to the existing list, with another icon/button or anything?


    Denis de Bernardy


    not an easy way, nope.



    I accessed the plugin for rss from yuor site. I installed the contents into plugin and activated it..is there something else I need to do? It isn’t showing up on my site..

    Thread Starter brianbonner


    jefkem, I did that in the example I gave you, just change the url/

    Thread Starter brianbonner


    nevermore, I don’t know what you mean? Did you install the plugin, which is not available on my site? did you place the php in your sidebar?


    Getting newest version and disabling the cache on 2.0.2 didn’t work for me. All I want is for it to show up in the standard meta section: all I get is a blank pointer.

    I am using Sidebar widgets; is this the problem?

    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one having a problem with this. I’m getting its header floating outside my content as well.

    I went into sem-subscribe-me/sem-subscribe-me.php and deleted “<h2>” . __(‘Syndication Options’, ‘sem-subscribe-me’) . “</h2>\n”

    That just gave me a ton of errors. Help!!!

    dockboggs – just download the plugin again from my site.

    gal – it doesn’t work with widgets yet, and your theme is likely missing a call to wp_meta()

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