• Resolved bloodico


    Hello and thank you for the great plug-ins

    Could you clarify the Subscribe2/Readygraph integration, please ?
    It looks really interesting to me (and I love the design of Readygraph), but I need some more explanation…

    To what I have understood through testing, when Readygraph plugin is active, this is Readygraph who manages the sign up form/Email setting instead of Subscribe2, right ?

    – but are the subscribers still stored in WP database or ONLY in readygraph Cloud ?
    – DO we have to manage subscribers through Readygraph website instead of Subscribe2 or can we do both ?
    – How does the subscription/unsubscription management page works with Readygraph ?…
    – If Readygraph manages Email sending too, what Email address will be used ? Readygraph Account/Email or the Email address as set in Subscribe2 ?

    I guess that if Readygraph manages the mass Email, this is still Subscribe2 who manages the “New Posts” Emails, right ?

    Could it be possible to explain, exactly, in the description or Readme file of the plug-in what exactly Readygraph does instead/in addition of Subscribe2, it would be great !

    Can’t wait to try all this on line, when I am sure of what it does and how it does it ;)…


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  • Since there is no reply yes/no if our updating to the new Subscribe2 release while overtly avoiding installing ReadyGraph, if saying NO will still send all our existing subscribing customer email addresses to the ReadyGraph cloud or not – there could be legal ramifications if this indeed occurs. You might want to check into it if that is their plan. Your customers, and unfortunately for the people who liked this plugin the way it was but didn’t contribute enough of a monetary incentive to keep you on as the developer, they may be stricken with quite a surprise when they find all their web subscribers emails have been whiffed up to the ReadyGraph cloud if this is indeed the plan of the existing roll-out.

    No we do not collect any data if you don’t signup. No popups. No collection. No name of ReadyGraph if you don’t signup. Feel free to use Subscribe2 without ReadyGraph

    Disconnect ReadyGraph for now until the full 2 way syncs work. Do not want to run the risk. There isn’t even an import function yet. Sent an email to ReadyGraph yesterday, and no reply.

    Readygraph does track you though. There are two trackers in the Readygraph part of this plugin.

    Personally, I have gone back to version 9.4. I don’t want or need Readygraph.

    My question is how do we make sure that ReadyGraph is not stealing our subscribers? They can easy steal our subscriber since it’s built into the plugin. They want our subscribers so they can monetize them. I actually signed up with ReadyGraph so I could try to get rid of that stupid banner. Now how do I delete my ReadyGraph account? There is no way to delete it on the main site. I emailed Dan at ReadyGraph and still no response. SMH

    Send me a copy of Subscribe2 Version 9.5. I don’t want ReadyGraph either.

    Where can I find v9.5? I searched online and all the links I can find point me to the new ReadyGraph version. It looks like the only email subscription plugin we are left with that doesn’t send out lists of email subscribers to Google or WordPress.com or Readygraph or some other unknown is this paid plugin
    https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/subscribe-by-email/ I have spoken with the developers and to get the plugin you have to pay an initial $19 for this plugin but this puts you on a monthly billing cycle for support for it. They say you can cancel that immediately and continue to use the plugin without having to pay the subscription. However, you do have to re-enable the subscription for another $19 whenever you need an update.

    In the meantime if anyone has the last 9.5 version, please let me know where to find. I’ll likely go with it until a wordpress revision causes it to start to fail, then I’ll migrate to the paid.

    Funny, I just submitted a request to www.ads-software.com to include an email subscription to the core. They claimed as a “nitche” requirement and that there are “plenty of plugins for it”. I guess I am missing something that there must be just a handful of blogers who have people interested enough to subscribe to new posts or that everyone is on board with turning over their subscriber lists for use by blind entities?


    All previously released version are here:

    Integration: we collect only when you are connected with the ReadyGraph. Once you disconnect the ReadyGraph, we no longer capture or track your a activity as all the options essential for your communication with ReadyGraph server is deleted from your WordPress database. So we can’t capture any information after that. Also it is against the tos of ReadyGraph. You can be rest assured about your privacy. You can use ReadyGraph if you want and like the feature. If not, you can disconnect the ReadyGraph and simply use Subscribe2.

    Let me know if you have any queries regarding the code or the privacy of your data.

    Well then, can you as an improvement to usability make the ReadyGraph a little less “in your face”. The big full screen ReadyGraph that comes up by default on the plugin settings could just be a check marked option in my opinion. Also can you provide a way to stop the pop up banner on the site admin’s plug-in panel that keeps appearing every time you go to the plug in panel and informing the admin they need to install readygraph until (I assume) someone installs it. Thanks!


    We are solving the bugs, and the banner is disabled permanently when you click close. It will be available in next update probably by tomorrow. I will commit the change right away but you might need to manually update the plugin as it won’t show as new update.


    Too bad you sold a great plugin. Now we don’t know for sure if our subscribers are being taken from our blogs or not. @tanaylakhani is saying as long as we are disconnected from ReadyGraph we are okay, but how can we be sure? The whole thing has been handled very badly. We should of been forewarned before all these updates so that we knew what was coming.


    Let me explain you the code structure.

    ReadyGraph uses readygraph_application_id option in WP_options table to communicate with ReadyGraph server. If you check extension/readygraph/admin.php you will find that all the database options including application id are cleared as soon as you disconnect. Please have a look at the code for your surity. We want happy users.

    Let me know if you have any more details


    Agreed, I hope they paid highly for it. A list of valid user emails interested in a specific topic is a valuable thing to pass to the wrong person or group, or really anyone outside the circle where they placed their trust.

    @duke: Perhaps you should have asked this before you posted such a scathing review?

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