• Resolved kalanit74


    Hi there.
    I am the admin of this site which has a small list of registered members (around 40). They all have usernames and passwords so that they can access “member” areas of the site.

    They used to receive emails when the site updated but no longer do as whatever plugin/service was being used to do this was erased/deactivated prior to the site coming to me. In other words, these people have already consented to receive email updates.

    My problem is, although I have manually added all the email addresses from the registered member list (so that they are also “registered subscribers”), no one receives email updates except me (the admin) and the one user I have who is only a subscriber.

    I have done everything I can think of to fix this problem and am approaching “throw the computer out the window” time. I’m thrilled to find that there’s actually a forum for this plugin…any suggestions?

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  • I have a site hosted on Bluehost and I’ve been unable to send to all users for the past couple months. It sends to a set of them and then doesn’t send to any past a certain point. I uninstalled the plugin tonight and reinstalled and tried re-publishing a post, and now no emails have gone out. I’m running v. 8.2 on WordPress 3.3.2. Please help, as my client isn’t able to get out timely information to her subscribers.


    What you describe sounds very much like a server side emailing restriction – you are reaching a limit when sending the emails, the emails sent before that limit send and after it they are dropped and not sent.

    You need a mail queue solution I think, this can be done with a server binary if bluehost offer it on your level of hosting, or you can use the WordPress database and a plugin like WordPress Mail Queue or the alternatives on www.ads-software.com.

    You were so right! I installed Mail Queues by PCBI and tested until I couldn’t test any more. Now that I’ve set up the SMTP physically through there, it appears to be working. Thank you so so much!

    I just wanted to mention that I spoke with GoDaddy today and that they confirmed that their servers do have an email limitation for number of subscribers. I have been struggling with this issue for my client’s blog which has 97 public subscribers. That does not seem like a lot to me, but is apparantly too many for GoDaddy.

    The support tech was unable to tell me what the max number is, but suggested I try adding a few at a time until it stops working?!?

    For all you who have experienced your Subscribe2 plugin spontaneously stop working, I’d venture to guess this happened when you crossed the mysterious threshold. Our plugin works just fine with a small number of subscribers, but stops working when we add the full public list (97 subscribers).

    @mattyrob, can you recommend a host known for reliability that does not impose a limitation?


    If a hosting provider did not impose any limitations I’d actively advised against using them. No restrictions means an open door to spammers.

    I do not endorse any particular hosting provider but feel that any that are open and honest about their restrictions would be good places to start. Bluehost and hostgator seem to get the thumbs up from a good number of Subscribe2’s users.

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