• I am running WordPress 3.2.1 and PlatformPro. Things were function perfectly for 6 months and then two weeks ago Subscribe2 stopped working. We had made no changes to the site at all. We have implemented some of the steps suggested on this forum including Restrict the number of recipients per email to 1, removed the plug in and re-installed in manually. Still it is not functioning. HELP!!

    This is our site: https://www.dirtandseeds.com


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  • Thread Starter wayside


    By the way…what is the advantage of having Public Subscribers over Registered Users?

    I guess there may not be an advantage to having Public Subscribers, it just makes it slightly simpler on subscriber side. They simply subscribe to receive notice of new posts, but they don’t have all the options for choosing categories. They just have the options to subscriber or unsubscribe. At least that’s my understanding of the difference.

    Thread Starter wayside


    @adlinni…if you have them register as users and have the setting ticked to autosubscribe then (you have to allow them to unsubscribe) you can also have your subscribe settings set to “all categories” upon registration. This way your folks sign up and all the “paperwork” is done for them. If they want to unsubscribe at any time they are free to do so.


    The ‘advantage’ to Public subscribers is that it’s easier for the end user to sign up, not registration forms, unsername or password. Just enter your email and click on a link that gets emailed to you.

    All that said, changing the Subscriber type is not going to make a blind bit of difference until we get some information from GoDaddy about why the emails are being blocked. Wayside has kindly confirmed that things work just fine when not with GoDaddy.

    I suspect it’s a new anti-spam measure but until such a time as they tell us how the new policy is being implemented I can’t start to work on a fix.

    I have it working again.

    I had tried before to change the number of recipients per email from 0 to 1, and it didn’t seem to make any difference. Emails still were not going out with new posts. So I changed it back to 0.

    Then I installed and configured “WP-Mail-SMTP” plugin, thinking that would fix the problem. Still didn’t send emails with new posts.

    So I went ahead and changed the number of recipients to 1 again, and now it seems to be sending notification emails with posts again.

    From what I can tell it was a combination of using the SMTP plugin and changing recipients to 1.

    I’ve tried all of these suggestions, and was hopeful the last one would work, but I am unable to get email notifications out. The test and confirmation emails go out fine but the notifications aren’t. I installed the SMTP plugin and changed the # recipients to 1, but still nothing.

    I have GoDaddy and use Subscribe2. I have had very little problems with the plugin, but lately I have noticed every time I get a new subscriber, the next post does not get sent to my subscribers. After I notice this, I clear the cache, and the next one gets sent through fine. Very odd, but at least my issue works itself out.

    clear the cache? what cache? where???

    I’ve had the same problem for a month now and my readership has dropped to half, according to site meter. I’m done with this. I’m now looking for a new way to send out posts. Subscribe2 is not worth the problems it creates, and I can’t afford to have this happen again if it does get fixed in the future.

    If anyone has any suggestions for another plugin I’d like to here it.

    Thanks and good luck.

    I’m having the same issue on several sites that are on GoDaddy. @nikko26, I have tried installing NewsletterPro from Satollo.net and that also does not send email notifications from the feed-by-mail but it does send the newsletters and confirmations.

    I hope GoDaddy can fill developers like @mattyrob in real quick or I’ll be moving site by site (at least 100 of them) over to a new provider. Anybody have preferences to other hosting providers?

    Thread Starter wayside


    Since I moved off GoDaddy I have not had a single problem with Subscribe2.

    Who are you using now?

    Thread Starter wayside


    Bluehost. So far it’s been excellent, and a bit cheaper than GoDaddy.

    After reading through some forums, it sounded like it was a problem with being hosted by Go Daddy and possibly a missing plug-in.

    So, I made sure I had the most recent plugin for Subscribe 2 V. 7.1 (which I did). I downloaded the plug-in for WP-Mail-SMTP so that my messages would go out using SMTP instead of mail. Then, I called Go-Daddy and asked them to run a diagnostic to see what was wrong and explained that a forum indicated habitual issues with Subscribe 2 for Go-Daddy users.

    They ran the diagnostic and said everything was up and running properly.

    I sent several test posts and informed my readers in the test post that I was having some technical issues. I subscribed via the Subscribe 2 button on my site using an alternate email to test the test posts. They all came through. However, there was a delay. I would say the delay was by nearly an hour. This resulted in my initial thought that it was not working- so I sent out multiple test posts.

    I would wait at least an hour or two before sending additional tests.

    The plugin has worked for me since I took these actions.

    Oh- I also changed the number of recipients to 1.

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