So here is what I understand from Go Daddy – I have clients on the host with trouble getting email notifications to go through too.
Apparently – Go Daddy customers are allowed to send 100 maximum (99?) emails through AT A TIME daily – AND – a daily total of no more than 250 smtp relays.
So If I understand correctly they could not send out more than 250 emails daily and their subscribe2 email subscriber list must be under 100… (could configure some way of getting out 250 notifications with some creativity I suppose).
Basically GO Daddy is pushing their new email marketing plan …. making it impossible for us non spammers to use the email services even for legitimate purposes. I was told my clients using (for example) Mail Chimp a free email marketing plan would also have to use alternative email accounts as anything over 250 relays per day would get blocked if it were used with a GO Daddy email account. – or he could buy into their email marketing plan – which does not do the same functionally wonderful instant email notification that subscribe2 does. ??
I am very sorry to report this as I LOVE the subscribe2 plug in but I also fear this may become a more global issue as the desire to crack down on Spam is a movement other places too.
I have installed the smtp plug in for a client and configured it – he has less that 100 peeps subscribed and set the # of recipients per email to 1 from 0… I will let you know if it works in the next day or so.
…………. Bummer!