• I am running WordPress 3.2.1 and PlatformPro. Things were function perfectly for 6 months and then two weeks ago Subscribe2 stopped working. We had made no changes to the site at all. We have implemented some of the steps suggested on this forum including Restrict the number of recipients per email to 1, removed the plug in and re-installed in manually. Still it is not functioning. HELP!!

    This is our site: https://www.dirtandseeds.com


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  • I’m having the same problem. None of my subscribers are getting posts since the latest update. I reinstalled the plug in and set changes, but still nothing. Very frustrating.

    My site is https://artsmudge.com/

    @wayside & @nikko26,

    Try the development version of the code from here:

    If that still fails contact your hosting provider and ask them what their daily limit is on your domain sending emails and how it’s enforced (i.e. 500 emails per hour at 8 per second)

    I called GoDaddy on Sunday and they saw 150+ emails sent out that day, none in the que, and no one got an email. It’s not due to an email limit, I only have 90 subscribers. They checked everything out and suggested reinstalling the plug in, which I did. I changed nothing after the update, then I changed the emails to 1, still nothing.

    Thread Starter wayside


    We have also been on the phone with GoDaddy and it is definitely not on their end.

    suddenly, same problem, for past week. I’ve not changed anything on the site, is hosted by GoDaddy, 67 subscribers, i only send about one email (for site post) a week. Tried updating to latest version through WordPress console, does not fix the problem.

    I don’t think WordPress really has any sort of error log, does it?

    The only consistent part of your issues here is GoDaddy. GoDaddy may well be telling you there is no issue on there end but if it is a problem with Subscribe2 then why is it working fine on other hosting provider set up?

    @nikko26, to confirm what you say – GoDaddy report that 150+ emails were sent from their servers but none of these arrived? If that is correct it confirms it’s not Subscribe2, or WordPress at fault. Subscribe2 passes the emails to WordPress which then passes them to the mail() function in PHP, from there they will go to the sendmail binary application on the server and only then show in logs on the server. So, if it’s showing in the logs then everything before is working well.

    GoDaddy forums were asked about this last week:


    They recommended pushing emails through their SMTP server. For that you’ll need another plugin:

    This also means they must be blocking or restricting the mail() function in PHP.

    thanks, that partly helps. configured the email settings, to use the godaddy relay from that post. If I send a test email from the mail SMTP plugin, it works, but when I add a post, still not getting email. Is there any other config I need to do?

    The SMTP plugin should take all mail, if it still isn’t working for live posts you need to keep hassling GoDaddy until they tell you what restrictions and limitations that have imposed recently that have stopped your emails working.

    Thread Starter wayside


    Since mail is sending it does not appear to be a problem of GoDaddy or the email plugin, it is something with the Subscribe2 Plugin. What should the database values be in someone subscribes? Does it matter if you override the persons subscription settings via the backend…basically does the person have to set the subscription settings themselves? Also, admins get the emails just not all subscribers.


    Try reverting to version 6.5 and see if that resolves the issue for you.

    I reinstalled the latest version and I was able to post twice and then it stopped. I reverted back to 6.5 and still no luck. No one is getting post alerts, not even admin.

    Myself and several clients are having the same trouble with email notifications not being sent…. only some of us are using Go Daddy – we have noticed an increase in the number of strange or spam like email subscriptions recently too…..
    Please advise us further about the plug-in and / or alternatives….
    thank you so much

    Hey – I take that back – the email notification came through on my account which is not hosted at GO Daddy – so it does look like the group of clients having issues is from Go Daddy… ??


    So the 2 constants thus far seem to be Subscribe2 and GoDaddy.

    Will somebody PLEASE try version 6.5 and see if that works. And will you ALL please start hassling GoDaddy to look into this.

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