Album 2 is the parent of the members albums
Album 5 is owned by admin, so only admin has access ( according to all the other settings taht are correct btw. )
The subscribers should have only access to their own album,
so vapeadmin shoul have only access to the album vapeadmin ( IF he is not an administrator, administrators have access everywhere ).
You should use shortcode [wppa type="upload"][/wppa]
and tick the upload photos box for the userlevel ( subscriber ? ) involved in Table VII-A ( 2nd column ). Then the box appears and they can upload to all their albums as well as to — public — albums.
See also: https://wppa.opajaap.nl/shortcode-reference/ :
upload Creates a frontend upload box like the upload widget. An album spec can be given to restrict the uploads to the supplied album(s). If the visitor has no rights to upload here, the box will not be displayed.
@ pa5ca:
Should be fixed in 5.3.1, to be released today, have a nice trip.