I had some issues with both this plugin, so I deleted it and installed a similar one, but with that one I discovered that it wouldn’t work whenever a page title had certain characters in it – such as the apostrophe in “President’s Message” and the ampersand in “Plans & Handouts”. Sometimes it just didn’t work to name the page something different without those special characters, as I wanted them to appear just that way in the menu.
I found a workaround for the issue, which my theme author suggested. If it’s not working only on some pages, you might explor this option. Add to your Custom Css:
.page-id-#### .entry-title {
replacing the #### with the page id number of the page where the plugin is not working. If you don’t know how to find that, just open the editing screen for the page, and on the right side, where it says, “Status”, mouse over the word “published”. In your browser’s status bar it should show the link for the page, and the post number is shown as “post=##”.