Hi, When I use Suexec my site is not responding very well.. Some times it load the site and sometimes it did not. There is also 1 time i get 500 internal error.
By the way I realize when my site able to load and there is a few visitors, there is no multiple processes created compare to when I disable suexec and this does help me to fix the high ram usage in VPS.
So anyone can help me fix this out? I was running wordpress and this is the list of my plugins
All in One Adsense and YPN
AskApache Crazy Cache
AskApache Firefox Adsense
Bad Behavior
Delete Duplicate Posts
Easy Tube (Disable)
Excerpt Editor
Google XML Sitemaps
Hello Dolly
Hyper Cache (Disable)
Save As Text and Html
SEO Friendly Images
SEO Smart Links
SimplePie Core
SimplePie Plugin for WordPress
Simple Tags
Social Bookmarks
Twitter Tools
Twitter Tools – URLs (Disable)
Twitter Tools – Exclude Category (Disable)
Twitter Tools – Hashtags (Disable)
WP Auto Tagger
WP Security Scan
WP Super Cache
WP Widget Cache (Disable)
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