Hey @ondraok – thanks for reaching out.
Good question – right now there isn’t an email tag that would output the individual suggested donation amount description for an amount chosen by the donor. But that’s an excellent idea and I’m going to pass it to the developers.
Depending on how you setup the email templates, if you know a little PHP and about WordPress filters there is a filter that allows you to alter the message of an email before it is sent. Example (for perhaps adding to functions.php in your theme or where you can store code snippets):
add_filter( ‘charitable_email_message’, ‘example_charitable_email_message’, 10, 1 );
function example_charitable_email_message( $message ) {
// find amount via PHP, replace/modify string in message to add custom string
return $message;
The above might not be exact, but that should be a fairly close version of what you could do. PHP could be used to find the donation amount and insert a string after that amount, for example. If you want the donation amounts per campaign that might require a little more detective work when you get the message (and probably some database interaction to pull the descriptions from the campaign once you determined what the campaign and campaign id are).
Let me know if this makes sense. Meantime i’m going to pass along this idea to developers and see if we can’t get another option added to the [charitable_email] shortcode used in the email templates in Charitable email settings.