You sure did, working as expected!
@littlerchicken , I do have another request, not necessarily an Update request but maybe a little help with CSS? I was playing around a minute ago in your scriptlesssocialsharing-style.css file w/o much luck…
I’ll try to make this short: What I’m trying to achieve is “flip-flopping” the Facebook and X buttons colors, I’m wanting Dark to be the main and RGBA to be the hover color.
Main reason being is that on all posts, I have you, Scriptless above content Facebook Twitter — SVG – Icon Only – Load Main Stylesheet – Table – Full Width …. Then below content, I have AddToAny showing FB – X – ect, ect, ect, just trying to make everything look uniform between the two plugins.
When I attempt messing with your css, say for the X/Twitter button, despite changing to #black, the Twitter button turn Twitter Bird Blue.
If you find time, no rush, would you mind pasting the full files css here so I can paste it in via my plugin editor?