• Resolved jorgeorpinel


    Hi there,

    Its Jorge again with an idea. Not sure if some one else has suggested or mentioned this earlier (didn’t look too much in current topics).

    There’s an extension called Media-Tags that adds a custom media-tags taxonomy for media. Nothing out of this world but the plugin is extra useful because it adds a Bulk action in the media library fo add/remove tags.

    I think the attachment-category taxonomy could use a similar feature.



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  • Hi David,

    It would probably be preferable to make this a separate plug-in. I am sure that I am not the first and only person to require the ability to bulk update descriptions and prices (and other attributes) on business web sites.

    I think you could do an excellent job of this. Please do not hesitate to ask me for any clarifications.

    Thanks for the great plugin. Has the ability to BULK EDIT the alt tags, captions and titles been added?
    Would love for it to be in format similar to the current bulk edit in Media Library.


    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have replied to this question in the new topic you posted:

    Bulk Edit

    Please use that topic for further messages regarding your question; thanks.

    Never mind this one I figured it out.

    SOLUTION: I used the Att. Categories filter dropdown for “No Attr. Categories”.

    I am trying to configure MLA so that when I’m in the media assistant list view I can have a way to find all the Att. Categories that are marked as “None” – since I want to find these in order to do some bulk edits to them. Unfortunately these are not linked in that Att. Categories column – so there’s no apparent way to find them all at once.

    After creating come Att. Tags in the Att. Tags editor, I want to bulk-assign these in the Media Assistant area. Although I can manually type in Att. Tags here, the pre-defined list – with checkboxes (like the Att. Categories has) – does not appear with checkboxes.

    Since I expect to have many of these Att. Tags, it preferable to select from the pre-defined list.

    Is there a way to make this so?

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your questions and for your good detective work in resolving the first question before I even saw it.

    I have designed MLA to be as “WordPress-like” as I can, and you’ve run into some of the basic WordPress design differences between hierarchical (e.g. Att. Categories) taxonomies and flat (e.g. Att. Tags) taxonomies.

    Value entry for flat taxonomies is supported by “auto suggest” and, on the Edit Post/Page/Attachment screens, by a “tag cloud” of the most used values. Value entry for hierarchical taxonomies is supported by a scrolling list of checkbox values. That’s just the way WordPress has always done it.

    I have thought about adding an option to substitute a checkbox-style interface for one or more flat taxonomies but nothing like that is in the current MLA version. I am currently working on some taxonomy-handling enhancements for the next version and I will have a look at adding the feature you need as well.

    I will update this topic when I have progress to report. In the interim, perhaps the “auto suggest” assistance will give you some relief. Thanks for your question and for your patience while I explore an enhancement along the lines you need.

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