• Hi Hal, the plugin is great and is working well in most cases I’ve been using it. But…
    When used in combination con Polylang (a multilanguage plugin), Slides doesn’t appear as translatable in Polylang settings. I’ve realized that’s because it’s defined as public => false on its registration.
    Seeing how you set some other settings:

    'publicly_queryable'   => true,
    'show_ui'              => true,
    'show_in_nav_menus'    => false,

    May I suggest that you set the post type definition as:

    public => true;
    exclude_from_search => true;
    show_in_nav_menus => false;

    so you can ignore ‘publicly_queryable’ and ‘show_ui’.

    This will also makes Yoast SEO settings appear in each slide (which is not specially useful in many cases, but can help in others).

    May be this have other side effects that I’m not consider.

    Thanks for your time and for your great plugin.


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