It is performing superbly!
The smallest one only has 6 names, the largest one has 1180 names with the average around 400 – 600 names and the name directory name table has a total of 19,235 records. I still have a list of over 30,000 names (no duplicates in that either) that I have not added yet as I need to get my site live (transfering data) and once that is done I will be breaking those 30,000 names into smaller directories – and probably having duplicates. Good thing I bookmarked the post about how to remove the no dups so when I installed the upgrade I then hacked the code again ??
Of course the normal wp search would not search them but trial and error I found the relavansi search plugin that will search short codes so a happy camper! Sadly if pagination is on the front end it will not search the other pages just the first one. I have written a couple of plugins for other data I had that would not fit into any plugin and found that limitation so I removed my pagination on the front end so I could get full search with the search plugin. I did look for another plugin that would do that but no luck, so may I suggest if you do put pagination in the front end that it is an option as I do not want it! *LOL*
When I say search, I mean just to be able to search by the directory name – similar to how on the posts page you can search by post name. Would make life alot easier when someone with say 86 directories is trying to find one from a very long list!
Thank you for your time and work – it is very much appreciated ??
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by