As for CAPTCHA stuff, I am not using any since WordPress 1.5. I think you guys have done a wonderful job wrt. preventing comment spam.
As for Staticize, I have disabled Staticize from my blog because it often gave me problems like: blank display, gibberish display on certain posts etc. In short it is very unreliable as far as my experience goes. I would rather take my chances with SlashDot ??
I echo Jinsan’s statement above.
@nuclearmoose Please don’t lace it with emotion ??
If you like the plugin you can always download HelloDolly or Textile 1 & Textile 2. But why include it in default? Also I think WordPress does some Textile stuff on its own like including paragraphs for new lines, urlize etc. Why do you think we still need it?
My point being that such plugins simply serve not much purpose to be included with the default install. I would rather have a procedure that makes installing plugin one-click process from my blog admin panel. Look at JEdit plugin installation procedure to get an example.