Suggestions :)
Below is a wishlist only. Feel free to disregard. Just some feedback. Only the first thing seems like a possible error. Great plugin/theme.
— Background cuts off menu. Menu is transparent on Post Formats.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Would like to remove WordPress Icon next to the House on the Admin Bar in the Admin?
Bottom of metabox content too close to the bottom of the box. Maybe add inside padding?
Would like to hide the icons in the Admin Menu?
Would like to add background image to login screen
Show custom footer should have a bit more explanation.
Perhaps an option for custom css on login and register page.
Perhaps a checkbox option for “Do not apply styling to login or register pages” (for those of us with other plugins)
Perhaps “Hide flatly menu item from all roles but admin” (is this default?)
Perhaps integration with Customizer to make unique default styling?
Hide/Show “Thank you for creating with WordPress. Version 4.5.1” in Admin #footer-thankyou
Hide/Show #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo
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