• I came across your nifty plugin while looking for one to replace the rather lousy one I was using. Kudos on the simplicity!

    I read in another post that the option to do away with the box at the bottom regarding the ‘also in this genre’, thanks in advance for that, because it can be a screen real estate thief (I use a Goodreads shortcode to show comments)

    Here is my suggestion.

    The layout for the single book page seems to use two divs, one for the image, and the other for content. This leave a whole bunch of wasted space under the image, that, IMHO, could be better served for content. That other messed up plug in I used did two divs on the top (left for image, right for book blurb) and a div underneath for content. Any chance this could be done, perhaps as an option? Or, could we do away with the image div, stay with just the content div and float the image? That’s the *only* thing that bothers me, all that open space on the left side of the single book content div. To put it into perspective, the content on my theme is 720px wide, the remaining for my right sidebar. Having to split the single book with the image and content space reduces the content to 486px (which messes up the ad space as well).

    Am I making any sense? (I’m assuming you know your CSS) ??

    I’m a code dev in real life, and as tempted as I am to redeux it myself, I really want to get my site finished so I can write some more. After almost 20 years in the coding biz, I’m ready to get away from it. ??

    Thanks for the nice bit of code, and for listening.

    – Kev


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  • Plugin Contributor Kelli Standish


    Hey Kev,
    Woo! Thanks so much for your kind words about the plugin. I’m thrilled it’s working for you. We so love seeing this plugin making writers’ lives a little easier.

    Regarding your question, I’m going to help you as best I can, while my genius plugin co-author Ben is away with family.

    He’s the code expert, while my focus in on user interface, logic flow, and design, but I can comment based on what I think you’re saying, and we can go from there. Sound good?

    Okay, so based on what you’ve written, it sounds like you want the book description text to wrap around the image, rather than the whole left side under the image being blank. I totally hear that, and it makes sense, especially in light of your theme dimensions.

    We created the system to be as clean as possible, and integrate with as many theme layouts as possible. Thus the divs and white space.

    But the great thing about the system is that you can also easily customize the output, using the templating functionality we’ve built-in. You can even disable the CSS output of the plugin altogether, if you’d prefer to use your own.

    Instructions for templating the plugin layout can be found here

    Let me know if this gets you the info you need, or if you need additional assistance.

    Cheering you on,

    Thread Starter Kev Provance


    I’m afraid I’ve been a bit of a naught boy. ??

    I went ahead and played with the CSS and PHP to coerce the interface to do what I wanted. I went ahead and used the advanced techniques. I’m not sure how to handle the CSS and one of the lib files (which I tinkered with to add the Author and Genre headlines to the top of the page (you can see here: https://www.kevinprovance.com/books/prisoner-of-the-game))

    The instructions said to make sure the directory hierarchy in my themes folder should be the same as in the plugin. But since the assets and lib folders are outside of the /template/loop structure, I wasn’t quite sure of those dirs should also be recreated, or if I should simply toss the CSS file and the template_tags.php in the custom dir for altered template files. If I’m not able to substitute those files (and so updates don’t reverse everything), I can always rename the plugin and append it with ‘KP edition’ ??

    As for the fuller content area and the image, it was merely a matter of moving the image dic inside the content div and eliminating the .book_content CSS that was forcing the content size. I also found a way to align the image with the title and taxs, again, by moving the image div code. These things could *easily* be made options. Ditto for the added tax items under the title. Very simple stuff.

    Maybe at some point I could chat it up with Ben, as I see some opportunities for code optimization, but…I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.

    This one’s a keeper. Thanks for letting me share. ??

    – Kev

    Thread Starter Kev Provance


    I was testing my hacks out on various browsers (including IE8, sorry to say, long story). The book image doesn’t render properly on IE8 (and presumably lower, since they all sucked). It’s a known issue, based on several posts in the WP forums. I found a fix. Please forward to the resident code monkey. ??

    In the totally-booked.css, under the .book_cover img block add the following lines:


    Images will then properly render on those older browsers. I’d be including to say ‘eh, screw it’ as far as IE8 goes, but some of us are stuck with XP because we don’t want to upgrade our hardware which various companies won’t issue W7 driver updates for. IE8 is the last supported version of IE for XP (and if my site stats are any indication, it’s still being used). I like to at least try and make everyone happy. ??

    – Kev

    Plugin Author Ben Casey


    Thanks Kev,

    Ill add those CSS tweaks to the next update.

    The CSS can be told not to output to the frontend in the admin options and the template tags in template_tags.php have a function_exists check so they can also be overwritten in a plugin of functions.php file.

    What could we have done better so you didn’t feel the need to modify the plugin files ( which we for obvious reasons cannot support. )


    Thread Starter Kev Provance


    Basically, I moved all those links at the bottom, referring to other works in genre, etc and moved them to the top as label hyperlinks, and added inputs for price and sale price. I also redid the series tax stuff to pull the data from the series taxonomy and added an input for book number. I also added inputs for for Amazon kindle, B&N Nook (to differentiate them from hardcover links) and um…redid all the buttons.

    I understand you can’t support all the changes I made. I’d be happy to share them with you, if you want (although, I use braces in PHP) ??

    You can see it here: https://www.kevinprovance.com/books/prisoner-of-the-game (the new buttons are on my xampp install and not live. My bad)

    Cheers, and congrats on the addition t your family. ??

    – Kev

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