• ResolvedPlugin Author George Notaras


    @fesarlis I’m transferring your post in a new topic.

    Thanks once again.

    One more comment: It would be great if rel=publisher that links to Google+ profile page appeared everywhere.

    Based on that and generally speaking, I think it would be much better if you followed a similar approach to Yoast’s settings. I mean, to divide options per social network (FB, Google+ etc) and give us the ability to enable what we want.

    The current approach causes a simple problem.

    I developed a website. Then gave the customer access to edit content. However, most of the content was uploaded by me (let’s call me ‘admin’).

    In order for the social metadata to appear, I (admin) must set the website’s social pages as being MINE. In other words, I must set the customer’s FB page in admin’s profile page. This is not rational.


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  • Plugin Author George Notaras


    One more comment: It would be great if rel=publisher that links to Google+ profile page appeared everywhere.

    This will be fixed in future versions. A new setting for a site wide G+ publisher profile URL will be added in the settings page.

    Based on that and generally speaking, I think it would be much better if you followed a similar approach to Yoast’s settings. I mean, to divide options per social network (FB, Google+ etc) and give us the ability to enable what we want.

    I am not familiar with the layout you refer to.

    The Add-Meta-Tags settings are already divided into groups in the settings page. I try to keep the available options to the absolute minimum. This is a matter of principal for this plugin and is not going to change. However, further customization is possible to a great extent via filtering functions.

    The current approach causes a simple problem.

    I developed a website. Then gave the customer access to edit content. However, most of the content was uploaded by me (let’s call me ‘admin’).

    In order for the social metadata to appear, I (admin) must set the website’s social pages as being MINE. In other words, I must set the customer’s FB page in admin’s profile page. This is not rational.

    I understand the nature of this problem, but, if I may put it this way, this is rather an issue caused by the workflow and not by the plugin itself. The URLs to the FB and G+ profiles and the Twitter usernames are per user settings and belong to the user profile page.

    The solution would be to assign the content (post/page) to the client’s account, directly from the post editing screen. If this setting is not visible, it can be enabled in the screen options.

    If I misunderstood something, please let me know. Nevertheless, there are no current plans to change the arrangement of these settings.

    I hope this is OK.


    I am not familiar with the layout you refer to.

    The Add-Meta-Tags settings are already divided into groups in the settings page. I try to keep the available options to the absolute minimum. This is a matter of principal for this plugin and is not going to change. However, further customization is possible to a great extent via filtering functions.

    I just mean to create tabs and put the same options, and not use just one page.

    The solution would be to assign the content (post/page) to the client’s account, directly from the post editing screen. If this setting is not visible, it can be enabled in the screen options.

    Yes indeed. However this will be inefficient in sites where there are many people who add content. I don’t think it would be so difficult to move the settings you add to the profile page to your plugin’s options.

    To put it more simply and in a realistic way. Yoast is necessary for many reasons that I’m certain you understand. In that sense, it would be better for your plugin if it coexisted smoothly with it. Unfortunately this is work that has to be done by you since they are not cooperative. Unless you are planning to convert your great work to a full-featured SEO plugin, in which case I personally would drop Yoast and switched to yours.

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Hello fesarlis,

    I just mean to create tabs and put the same options, and not use just one page.

    It would be nice. A tabbed interface is in my todo list, but Add-Meta-Tags has very few configuration options, so this is far from being a necessity. It has a very low priority in comparison to other features.

    Yes indeed. However this will be inefficient in sites where there are many people who add content. I don’t think it would be so difficult to move the settings you add to the profile page to your plugin’s options.

    But this is a special use case. WordPress does not support multiple authors and Add-Meta-Tags intentionally does not divert from the functionality that is supported by WP.

    From a technical point of view, no, it is not difficult. But the URLs to social profiles is a per user setting, so putting it anywhere else than the user profile page in wordpress would not make sense for the vast majority of users.

    However, all authors might share the same G+ publisher profile. It is in my plans to add the option of an additional G+/FB/Twitter ‘publisher’ profile URL in the general settings of the plugin, which will appear site-wide in front/lastest-posts/archives/search-results pages and will also be used in content pages as a fallback, in case the user hasn’t filled a publisher profile URL in his WP profile page.

    To put it more simply and in a realistic way. Yoast is necessary for many reasons that I’m certain you understand.

    Actually, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I have no experience with the aforementioned plugin. If you would like to help me understand what you mean, I’d appreciate it much.

    Add-Meta-Tags is not developed to cover special use cases out-of-the-box. Add-Meta-Tags extends the core WP functionality in terms of generating a machine-friendly version of the content and that’s where it stops. The plugin will have to be customized via filtering to meet special needs.

    I’m sorry about that, but, unfortunately, this is how it.

    In that sense, it would be better for your plugin if it coexisted smoothly with it. Unfortunately this is work that has to be done by you since they are not cooperative. Unless you are planning to convert your great work to a full-featured SEO plugin, in which case I personally would drop Yoast and switched to yours.

    I understand that you need a solution to meet your or your clients exact needs, but I do not really understand what I should do. Currently there is a single on/off option for each type of the supported metadata generators. You can activate what you need. Furthermore there are many filter hooks (some of them are documented in the description page, many other can be found throughout the source code) which can be used to further customize the plugin functionality to a great extent.

    Add-Meta-Tags tries to meet its own goals. It is possible to activate/deactivate the supported metadata generators and customize via filters. If other plugins do not let you turn on & off their functionality, I guess this is outside the scope of my work or my concern.

    full-featured SEO plugin

    I am tempted to ask what features would make it a full featured seo plugin?

    I am sorry if parts of my message are disappointing. I wish there could be another solution, but, unfortunately, there is not.


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    @fesarlis: I’ll try to work on the fallback profile urls today. I also have a request to generate a twitter card on the regular front page containing the latest posts.

    Please note that if static pages are used as the frontpage, then links to publisher profiles of the page’s author are generated.

    Your feedback is welcome.


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Now that I read this again I think we might be referring to different things at some points and there is some confusion.

    Anyway, after I implement this it will be possible to set a URL to a G+/FB profile and a twitter publisher username in the general settings of the plugin.

    These will be used in non-content pages and also in content pages in case the content author has not filled a publisher profile in his WP profile page.

    I am also thinking of adding a filter that can disable the publisher URL box in WP user profile page.

    I think this adds the maximum flexibility possible.

    If this does not cover your use case, please let me know.


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    The feature involving shared publisher profiles has been implemented and has been pushed to the repository for testing:


    Please check the Publisher Settings section in the admin interface, fill in the values and check the generated metadata. Make sure OpenGraph, Twitter Cards and Schemma.org are enabled in the settings.

    Your feedback is welcome.


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Hi, I am marking this topic as resolved.

    For other feature requests please open a new topic. The best way to contribute to Add-Meta-Tags is to provide detailed feedback about a feature you would like to be implemented.

    Please note that this plugin is not developed in order to provide solutions for special use cases, but to extend the core WordPress functionality and workflows.

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