Welcome to the world of WordPress! If you are on LinkedIn you might also consider joining one of the WordPress groups. I recommend the group “WordPress” owned by Mr. WordPress himself Matt Mullenweg. It’s another resource for you.
As for themes, plugins etc. my opinion follows the adage you get what you pay for. While there are many solid free themes available, you want to choose one that has been vetted by the WordPress community. I like premium (paid) themes from developers that have been around awhile and are continually supported. The same for plugins. There are scores of sound free plugins available on the www.ads-software.com but you have to selective. Don’t grab every plugin available. When it comes to videos make sure you host them on a video site such as Youtube and then embed them on your site.
You also need to consider hosting and site security. There are numerous excellent WordPress hosting companies. WpEngine is probably the best (and most expensive). Bluehost offers free hosting to 501(c)3 non-profits.
Who is building your website? Are you using an in-house team or outsourcing it? If you are outsourcing you might want to consider utilizing pro bono resources and post your project on a site like taprootplus.org or catchafire.org.
For donations you might want to look at https://www.salsalabs.com. I currently work with an organization that uses them for email list management and donation support. They’re not free but are affordable for small non-profits. They have a WordPress site and you can embed their forms and relevant components easily.