• I’m doing a trial run of multisite on a HostGator account before setting up a new installation for a school. The school site is already using a subdomain, so I want the teachers’ individual sites to be in subdirectories. I didn’t see this option but achieved it in the config by setting subdomain_install to false. This is my second try; the first time I got the Super Admin option, but adding a site created a subdirectory, which surprised me as WordPress has been sitting on the domain for a year or so. So I started over, after deleting the extra tables in phpAdmin so that the installation wasn’t telling me that it was already set up for a network.

    The problem may be in the username. From another topic here, I saw you ask if there were capital letters in the username. Somewhere along the way I changed “admin” to “Heather”, and now there is no “admin”.

    Can I add a super admin directly to the database? Or should I start over yet again?

    The site is at https://www.com-info.ca. I’m running it in French, but hopefully you can find your way around.

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  • You’ve commented it out.

    /** Multi Site

    The lack of a */ at the end of that line means the very next line will not be read.

    define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);

    is the ONLY line you need. Remove the comment you made and the other line you added.

    Thanks Andrea_r, I really missed that part.

    I came one step further, but do not understand the next:

    Sub-domain Install Because your install is not new, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-domains. The main site in a sub-directory install will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.

    It is new! I want to use subdirectories. What did trigger that and how can I solve that?

    I have setup a new site at https://abc.mydomain.com
    There are other hosts already, like https://shop.mydomain.com in case that matters.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    abc.mydomain.com is a subdomain.

    Anyway, if you want to force subfolders, you can. Go ahead and finish the setup. Once you’re done, go back into wp-config.php and look for define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true ); Just change true to false and you’re good to go with subfolders.

    Thank you very much. Now it is setup.

    I am at the next problem.
    I logged in with my only account I have and added 5 sites. For each site it asked me for a site address, site title and admin’s email. For my testing I used for each site the same email address!

    It accepted it, but I have not got an email with the login information.

    The site itself has information, but no theme.

    Any ideas?

    Elmit: I lost a couple of mine in the spam filter. Have you checked yours? You won’t get them if you mistype your email address either.

    I checked that too, no luck. And they are spelled correct.

    Now I am out of luck totally again. I cannot even login as Superadmin!

    I forced to subdir, but forgot to change the .htaccess settings to that. Now, even I change it, I cannot login anymore.

    Any hints or should I start over to install it? and what should I take care of?

    Andrea, thanks!

    Before I start over, can you please help me to get clearer what I want ??

    I have a domain I use for other purposes, like shop, www, … and now I would like to add blog.abc.com
    Can I have, alex.blog.abc.com and boby.blog.abc.com ? Would that be easier than blog.abc.com/alex and blog.abc.com/boby ???


    should I go with alex.abc.com and boby.abc.com ?
    Would that interfer with https://www.abc.com and shop.abc.com ???

    Can I have, alex.blog.abc.com and boby.blog.abc.com ?

    Only if your host supports wildcard subdomains off a subdomain. If it’s an average shared host, the answer would be no. ??

    should I go with alex.abc.com and boby.abc.com ?
    Would that interfer with https://www.abc.com and shop.abc.com ???

    If you wanted alex.abc.com , you absolutely MUST install at https://www.abc.com.

    If you can;t do that, install at blog.abc.com and pick subFOLDERS.

    Thank you so much. So far all worked. Only, I did not get an email for the new admins I made for the subsites. I checked spam folders. Not to find any emails.

    I will test this now over the next couple of weeks before I use that on a production blog.

    Some thoughts I have still:

    I use in permalinks:

    With the new multi-site blog, I will use the same. (I will use the original category as a subsite.) Will this permalink give me troubles? Is there a conflict between site and category?

    Where can I read more? Do I install plug-ins as SuperAdmin or as site admin? The main blog is still available, can that be used to give a dynamic content page of all other blogs? Can I move posts from one sub-blog to another?

    Next big question is migration. My current blog has all categories and the new blog “test” will get all sub blogs as I have now categories. Is it possible to migrate from old blog per category to the test blog’s sub-blogs, remove old blog and rename test blog to the current old blog’s name?

    – make sure your box is sending php mails

    – those permalinks are fine, as wordpress stuff the word /category/ in front of that.

    – only Super Admin can install plugin.

    – read my blog wpmututorials.com

    – yes you can aggregate a bunch of stuff to the main page (see my blog)

    – for moving content, log into the old blog to the Export menu item. import it in the new blog. Yes, you can now specify categories to export.

    I just wanted to add that I ran into the same issue with the Super Admin menu not showing. I had changed the “admin” username in phpMyAdmin previously in the wp_users table.

    I had changed these field from “admin” to another username:


    I changed them all back to “admin” and I now see the Super Admin menu.

    Not a fan of changing the admin username that way. Also? It’s a low-risk security hurdle. Will slow hackers down by maybe five minutes.

    I can’t get the super admin to show up either. Yes I have the tables, updated the wp-config, created the .htaccess, blogs.dir is created and modded. Visiting tools/network says “An existing WordPress network was detected”. Completely wiped and started over. Nothing seems to be helping. I can’t get it to show up.

    I too am experiencing the same issue of the Super Admin or Network Admin menu not showing up. However, after reading Gigamorph’s post:

    I had the same problem but in my case while re-installing it with the admin login of “admin”, I found that I had overwritten the line

    define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);


    define( ‘MULTISITE’, true );

    somehow thinking they were duplicates.

    Now with both lines in wp-config and my original non-“admin” username I see the super admin panel.

    it is now fixed. Thanks for this, I did the same thing you did, made the same correction, and the panel is showing correctly now.

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