• Your Theme Rife Free is a mix of Superb Design and Excellent Creativity.

    I just got to know about you guys today(14 August 2020) because I’ve been used to Astra and Phlox Themes.

    Something just said to me, that I should try something else that uses Elementor(since I’m a staunch Elementor fan).

    I searched and searched and used about 5 other Themes, but they had one limitation or the other, and weren’t so creative and beautiful. Many of them are well advertised–but in the end, they lack creativity and superb design.

    Alas! by some stroke of luck I discovered you guys and decided to give it a try.

    I thought that with Phlox Themes, I have seen the end of Design and Creativity in WordPress. But now, you guys have shown me that I can still meet great people and great designers in the WordPress space.

    Your Theme Unicorn is a superb mix of intense Design and Smart Creativity. It blew my mind and I know that I am your customer now.

    Please, keep up with this creativity and beautiful intelligence displayed in your Themes, and do increase your marketing efforts– your Theme is too beautiful and too excellent not to rule the world.

    I love it, and will post it in all my Social Media handles, because honestly, you guys have given me a Wow beyond imagination.

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