• Resolved stephunique



    I used to run Buddypress on a test site with this plugin and this plugin is such a life saver, thank you!

    Now I have deleted and re-created my test site with Buddyboss to test a different set up. Although it works, there are a few issues with the way it appears and acts on the front end, and I was wondering if you could help with fixing it, since Buddyboss says anything made for Buddypress works for Buddyboss. So I wanted to tell you the issue here – if I need to go to Buddyboss and ask them, that is fine too. I am using BuddyX, which is specifically for Buddypress/Buddyboss, I also have WordPress 6.6.1, BP Messaging Control 1.8.0, and Buddyboss 2.6.71.

    Here are the issues:

    1. I’ve used this messaging restriction plugin to restrict who can message other users on my Buddyboss site. The restriction works fine, BUT if a user who has messaging disabled for them goes to another user’s account and click on the messaging button, it takes the user to a new page that says something like “Oops, page could not be found”. This doesn’t look good and I was hoping it could show something similar to what Buddypress says, which is something like “you are not allowed to send messages” or something, rather than loading a 404 webpage, or even better, have the “Send Message” button hidden for users that cannot send messages.
    2. For users that can send messages, the interface looks like this: https://snipboard.io/KpXvbE.jpg (here is what it looks like if you click outside the invisible search box: https://snipboard.io/zSgMRh.jpg). The issue is, when a user tries to send a message to a user without typing their username in the invisible search box, even if the username is in the dropdown menu, you get this error: https://snipboard.io/zaGJNb.jpg. If you search for a user in the invisible search box, the messages can ultimately be sent, but, when people type their messages, even though it says “Enter to Send Shift+Enter to add a new line”, pressing “enter” doesn’t visibly do anything, ie the message that you type still stays in the text box, so it is not obvious that a message was sent. To see if I have successfully sent the message, I logged out and logged back in to the website as the message recipient. The message was received, but received several times, one for each time the message sender pressed “enter”, and it was pressed multiple times, since it appeared that nothing happened. Here’s what it looks lik after I press “enter” to send a message: https://snipboard.io/Qsz52I.jpg. So I was wondering if you could do something about this.
    3. I have one test user role that I have disabled messaging for, and also hid them from the membership directory. The issue is, when a person goes to send a message and searches for a user in the invisible search box, all users with names matching that search term or letter eg A for Admin as well as Adam, shows up. Users who I have disabled messaging for, the message will fail to send. Maybe that is intended – if they can’t send messages they probably are blocked from receiving it too. But this is not a good look, to have undesirable users show up in the search box and then have an error message show when you attempt to send a message “There was a problem sending your message.”. Can this be fixed too? ie hide users who should be hidden (admins and people who cannot send messages) so they don’t show up in the search box, so messages can’t be sent to them, and the error message won’t show?

    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Venutius


    Hi there,

    Although I don’t support BuddyBoss, I’ll take a look at this, however, right now I’m on holiday and may not be back for another week.

    Thread Starter stephunique


    Thanks for your fast reply, enjoy your holiday first!

    Thread Starter stephunique


    I wanted to add some more information.

    All names showing up in the messaging To @username field issue – that isn’t a BP Messaging Control issue and I discovered that it is “possible to filter the suggested usernames by utilizing the?bp_core_get_suggestions?filter”, however, I am not a developer and have no idea how to implement this. If anyone knows, maybe they can provide a solution.

    As for the display, I think that is a Buddyboss theme issue and I will go ask Buddyboss.

    In the meantime I will mark this as resolved since I now understand it has nothing to do with BP Messaging Control, although it would be a great new feature to add if you could select the users/roles you don’t want to show up in the @username suggestions.

    Thank you

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