No because
A) I did actually manage to write a version that used UTF8 characters like those mentioned but I could only get it to work on my local Windows computer using WAMP and a test page. When I tried using it as the plugin code on WordPress it wouldn’t work for some reason. For me to try and debug WordPress is a massive job that I don’t have the time for and I couldn’t get any help from WP to find the cause. If you scan the support tickets you will see in the very earliest ones that I enclosed a copy of an early version of the plugin that DID use UTF8 characters. You would have to copy that into your own code and see if it worked and debug it on WP if you wanted to.
B) I don’t know or speak Spanish therefore I wouldn’t know what those letters meant and how I could use them. The system works as I know English so I can ASCII characters to match known English words like VII, Acronyms, Names and know which characters are used for punctuation or can be replaced etc.
So unless someone can tell me from that earlier support ticket why my code was not working on WordPress then I cannot use UTF8 characters unfortunately.