• Resolved wphr24


    On the support chat page linked from the plugin backend (https://webinarignition.tawk.help/) it says that the chat is currently available and the waiting time is one minute. Then you fill out 8 fields … acknowledge GDPR and … waiting … waiting … waiting … but nobody reacts. Why this misdirection? I hope that at least here there will be a reaction.

    Auf der aus dem Plugin Backend verlinkten Support-Chat-Seite steht, dass der Chat aktuell verfügbar sei und die Wartezeit eine Minute betr?gt. Dann füllt man 8 Felder aus … akzeptierst DSGVO und … wartest … wartest … wartest … aber niemand reagiert. Warum diese Irreführung? Ich hoffe, dass wenigstens hier eine Reaktion erfolgt.

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by wphr24.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Saleswonder Support Team


    I see you are in tension and in an hurry. i am sorry about that.
    I can assure your request via the chat will be answered via email the next hours.

    Thread Starter wphr24


    Thanks. It’s more about wasting time again because someone claims to be available in chat and then is not. That costs at least 15 minutes every time. In this case, it was the end of a scheduled test. So, this has to be set up and started again. Effort: 1 hour because of false promises.

    I have the same issue. I’m currently in trial and really wanted to proceed with upgrade. But seems the lack of support or the slow/misleading information on availability of support can be a deal breaker.

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