• Resolved nikdow


    Great plugin thanks. I use private pages to control access to documentation and by default this plugin won’t show private pages. I have added this capability as a short-code attribute, pasted the code below (file ccchildpages.php), all altered lines contain “post_status”.

    * ccchildpages
    class ccchildpages {
    	// Used to uniquely identify this plugin's menu page in the WP manager
    	const admin_menu_slug = 'ccchildpages';
    	// Plugin name
    	const plugin_name = 'CC Child Pages';
    	// Plugin version
    	const plugin_version = '1.35';
    	// ID Count
    	protected static $cc_id_counter;
    	// Initialise class
    	public static function init($value=0) { self::$cc_id_counter = $value; }
    	// Get unique ID
    	public static function get_unique_id() {
    		return self::$cc_id_counter;
    	public static function load_plugin_textdomain( ) {
    		load_plugin_textdomain( 'cc-child-pages', FALSE, dirname( dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) . '/languages/' );
    	public static function show_child_pages( $atts ) {
    		// Get unique id for this instance of CC Child Pages
    		$cc_uid = self::get_unique_id();
    		// Store current page ID
    		$cc_current_page_id = get_the_ID();
    		// Store image size details in case we need to output Video Thumbnails, etc. which may be external files
    		$img_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
    		$img_sizes[] = 'full'; // allow "virtual" image size ...
    		$default_atts = apply_filters( 'ccchildpages_defaults' , array(
    			'id'			=> get_the_ID(),
    			'page_ids'		=> '',
    			'posts_per_page' => -1,
    			'limit'			=> -1,
    			'page' 			=> -1,
    			'cols'			=> '',
    			'depth'			=> '1',
    			'exclude'		=> '',
    			'exclude_tree'	=> '',
    			'skin'			=> 'simple',
    			'class'			=> '',
    			'orderby'		=> 'menu_order',
    			'order'			=> 'ASC',
    			'link_titles'	=> 'false',
    			'title_link_class' => 'ccpage_title_link',
    			'hide_more'		=> 'false',
    			'hide_excerpt'	=> 'false',
    			'show_page_content'	=> 'false',
    			'truncate_excerpt'	=> 'true',
    			'list'			=> 'false',
    			'link_thumbs'	=> 'false',
    			'thumbs'		=> 'false',
    			'more'			=> __('Read more ...', 'cc-child-pages'),
    			'link'			=> '',
    			'siblings'		=> 'false',
    			'show_current_page' => 'false',
    			'hide_wp_more'  => 'false',
    			'use_custom_excerpt' => '',
    			'use_custom_title'=> '',
    			'use_custom_more' => '',
    			'use_custom_link' => 'cc_child_pages_link',
    			'use_custom_link_target' => 'cc_child_pages_link_target',
    			'ignore_sticky_posts' => 'true',
    			'offset'		=> 0,
    			'words'			=> 55,
    			'subpage_title'	=> '',
    			'link_target'	=> '',
    			'show_author'	=> 'false',
    			'show_date_created'	=> 'false',
    			'show_date_modified'	=> 'false',
                            'post_status'           => 'publish',
    		$a = shortcode_atts( $default_atts, $atts );
    		$a = apply_filters( 'ccchildpages_attributes', $a);
                    $post_status = $a['post_status'];
    		// If we are displaying siblings, set starting point to page parent and add current page to exclude list
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['siblings'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$a['id'] = wp_get_post_parent_id( get_the_ID() ) ? wp_get_post_parent_id( get_the_ID() ) : 0;
    			if ( strtolower(trim($a['show_current_page'])) != 'true' ) {
    				if ( $a['exclude'] != '' ) $a['exclude'] .= ',';
    				$a['exclude'] .= get_the_ID();
    		$depth = intval($a['depth']);
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['list'])) != 'true' && $a['cols'] == '' ) $a['cols']='3';
    		switch ( $a['cols'] ) {
    			case '4':
    				$class = 'fourcol';
    				$cols = 4;
    			case '3':
    				$class = 'threecol';
    				$cols = 3;
    			case '2':
    				$class = 'twocol';
    				$cols = 2;
    			case '1':
    				$class = 'onecol';
    				$cols = 1;
    				$class = '';
    				$cols = 1;
    		switch ( $a['skin'] ) {
    			case 'red':
    				$skin = 'ccred';
    			case 'green':
    				$skin = 'ccgreen';
    			case 'blue':
    				$skin = 'ccblue';
    				$skin = 'simple';
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['list'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$list = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$list = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['truncate_excerpt'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$truncate_excerpt = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$truncate_excerpt = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['link_titles'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$link_titles = TRUE;
    			$title_link_class = trim($a['title_link_class']);
    		else {
    			$link_titles = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['hide_more'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$hide_more = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$hide_more = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['hide_wp_more'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$hide_wp_more = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$hide_wp_more = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['hide_excerpt'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$hide_excerpt = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$hide_excerpt = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['show_page_content'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$show_page_content = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$show_page_content = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['ignore_sticky_posts'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$ignore_sticky_posts = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$ignore_sticky_posts = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['show_author'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$show_author = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$show_author = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['show_date_created'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$show_date_created = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$show_date_created = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['show_date_modified'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$show_date_modified = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$show_date_modified = FALSE;
    		$offset = ( intval($a['offset']) > 0 ) ? intval($a['offset']) : 0;
    		if ( $a['order'] == 'ASC' ) {
    			$order = 'ASC';
    		else {
    			$order = 'DESC';
    		switch ( $a['orderby'] ) {
    			case 'post_id':
    			case 'id':
    			case 'ID':
    				$orderby = 'ID';
    			case 'post_author':
    			case 'author':
    				if ( $list ) {
    					$orderby = 'post_author';
    				else {
    					$orderby = 'author';
    			case 'random':
    			case 'rand':
    			case 'RANDOM':
    			case 'RAND':
    				$orderby = 'rand';
    			case 'post_date':
    			case 'date':
    				if ( $list ) {
    					$orderby = 'post_date';
    				else {
    					$orderby = 'date';
    			case 'post_modified':
    			case 'modified':
    				if ( $list ) {
    					$orderby = 'post_modified';
    				else {
    					$orderby = 'modified';
    			case 'post_title':
    			case 'title':
    				if ( $list ) {
    					$orderby = 'post_title';
    				else {
    					$orderby = 'title';
    			case 'post_name':
    			case 'name':
    			case 'slug':
    				if ( $list ) {
    					$orderby = 'post_name';
    				else {
    					$orderby = 'name';
    				$orderby = 'menu_order';
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['link_thumbs'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$link_thumbs = TRUE;
    		else {
    			$link_thumbs = FALSE;
    		if ( strtolower(trim($a['thumbs'])) == 'true' ) {
    			$thumbs = 'medium';
    		else if ( strtolower(trim($a['thumbs'])) == 'false' ) {
    			$thumbs = FALSE;
    		else {
    			$thumbs = strtolower(trim($a['thumbs']));
    			if ( ! in_array( $thumbs, $img_sizes ) ) $thumbs = 'medium';
    		$more = esc_html(trim($a['more'])); // default
    		// if class is specified, substitue value for skin class
    		if ( $a['class'] != '' ) $skin = trim(esc_html($a['class']));
    		$outer_template = str_replace( '{{class}}', $class, apply_filters('ccchildpages_outer_template','<div id="ccchildpages-' . $cc_uid . '" class="ccchildpages {{class}} {{skin}} ccclearfix">{{ccchildpages}}</div>', $a) );
    		$outer_template = str_replace( '{{skin}}', $skin, $outer_template );
    		$inner_template = apply_filters('ccchildpages_inner_template','<div class="ccchildpage {{page_class}}"><h3{{title_class}}>{{title}}</h3>{{meta}}{{thumbnail}}{{excerpt}}{{more}}</div>', $a);
    		$meta_template = apply_filters('ccchildpages_meta_template','<p class="small cc-meta-info">{{meta}}</p>', $a);
    //		$return_html = '<div class="ccchildpages ' . $class .' ' . $skin . ' ccclearfix">';
    		$page_id = $a['id'];
    		if ( $list ) {	
    			$args = array(
    				'title_li'		=> '',
    				'child_of'		=> $page_id,
    				'echo'			=> 0,
    				'depth'			=> $depth,
    				'exclude'		=> $a['exclude'],
    				'sort_order'	=> $order,
    				'sort_column'	=> $orderby,
                                    'post_status'   => $post_status,
    			$post_type = get_post_type( $page_id );
    			$args['post_type'] = $post_type;
    			$args = apply_filters('ccchildpages_list_pages_args', $args, $a);
    			$page_count = 0;		
    			$return_html = '<ul class="ccchildpages_list ccclearfix">';
    			$page_list = trim(wp_list_pages( $args ));
    			if ( $page_list == '' ) return '';
    			$return_html .= $page_list;
    			$return_html .= '</ul>';
    		else {
    			$return_html = '';
    			$posts_array = explode(',', $page_id); // Allow for comma separated lists of IDs
    			$post_count = count ($posts_array);
    			$posts_per_page = intval($a['posts_per_page']);
    			$page = intval($a['page']);
    			$ccpage_var = ( is_front_page() ? 'page' : 'ccpage' . $cc_uid );
    			$ccpaged = ( get_query_var( $ccpage_var ) ) ? absint( get_query_var( $ccpage_var ) ) : 1;
    			$args = array(
    //				'post_type'      => 'page',
    //				'post_type'      => $post_type,
    				'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
    //				'post_parent'    => $page_id,
    				'order'          => $order,
    				'orderby'		 => $orderby,
    //				'post__not_in'	 => explode(',', $a['exclude']),
    				'ignore_sticky_posts' => $ignore_sticky_posts,
    				'post_status'	 => $post_status,
    			if ( trim($a['exclude']) != '' ) {
    				$args['post__not_in'] = explode(',', $a['exclude']);
    			if ( $posts_per_page > 0 ) {
    				$args['paged'] = $ccpaged;
    				// If page has been set manually, override any pagination
    				if ( $page > 0 ) {
    					$args['paged'] = $page;
    			else {
    				if ( intval($a['limit']) > 0 ) {
    					// If limit is specified, show only that number of pages
    					$args['posts_per_page'] = intval($a['limit']);
    					$args['paged'] = 1;
    			if ( $offset > 0 ) $args['offset'] = $offset;
    			if ( $post_count > 1 ) {
    				// Multiple IDs specified, so set the post_parent__in parameter
    				$args['post_parent__in'] = $posts_array;
    				/* // get post_type for each post specified ...
    				$post_type_array = array();
    				foreach ( $posts_array as $post_id ) {
    					// Get post_type
    					$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
    					if ( ! in_array($post_type, $post_type_array) ) $post_type_array[] = $post_type;
    				$args['post_type'] = $post_type_array; */
    				$args['post_type'] = 'any';
    			else {
    				// Single ID specified, so set the post_parent parameter
    				$args['post_parent'] = $page_id;
    				$args['post_type'] = get_post_type( $page_id );
    			if ( $a['page_ids'] != '' ) {
    				// Multiple specific posts specified, so unset unwanted values in $args then build the lists of IDs
    				$posts_array = explode( ',', $a['page_ids'] );
    				$args['post__in'] = $posts_array;
    				$args['orderby'] = 'post__in';
    				/* // get post_type for each post specified ...
    				$post_type_array = array();
    				foreach ( $posts_array as $post_id ) {
    					// Get post_type
    					$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
    					if ( ! in_array($post_type, $post_type_array) ) $post_type_array[] = $post_type;
    				$args['post_type'] = $post_type_array; */
    				$args['post_type'] = 'any';
    			$args['ccchildpages'] = 'true';
    			$args = apply_filters('ccchildpages_query_args', $args, $a);
    			$parent = new WP_Query( $args );
    			if ( ! $parent->have_posts() ) return '';
    			$page_count = 0;
    			while ( $parent->have_posts() ) {
    				$tmp_html = $inner_template;
    				$id = get_the_ID();
    				if ( $page_count%$cols == 0 && $cols > 1) {
    					$page_class = ' cclast';
    				else if ( $page_count%$cols == 1 && $cols > 1 ) {
    					$page_class = ' ccfirst';
    				else {
    					$page_class = '';
    				if ( $page_count%2 == 0  ) {
    					$page_class .= ' cceven';
    				else {
    					$page_class .= ' ccodd';
    				$page_class .= ' ccpage-count-' . $page_count;
    				$page_class .= ' ccpage-id-' . $id;
    				$page_class .= ' ccpage-' . self::the_slug($id);
    				/* Check to see if link has been specified */
    				if ( $a['link'] == '' ) {
    					$link = get_permalink($id);
    				else {
    					$link = $a['link'];
    				/* Check to see if custom link has been specified */
    				$use_custom_link = trim($a['use_custom_link']);
    				if ( $use_custom_link != '' && $custom_meta_link = get_post_meta( $id, $use_custom_link, TRUE ) ) {
    					$link = ( trim( $custom_meta_link ) != '' ) ? trim( $custom_meta_link ) : $link;
    				/* Check to see if target has been specified */
    				if ( $a['link_target'] == '' ) {
    					$link_target = '';
    				else {
    					$link_target = $a['link_target'];
    				/* Check to see if custom target has been specified */
    				$use_custom_link_target = trim($a['use_custom_link_target']);
    				if ( $use_custom_link_target != '' && $custom_meta_link_target = get_post_meta( $id, $use_custom_link_target, TRUE ) ) {
    					$link_target = ( trim( $custom_meta_link_target ) != '' ) ? trim( $custom_meta_link_target ) : $link_target;
    				if ( $id == $cc_current_page_id ) {
    					$page_class .= ' active current-page cccurrent';
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{page_class}}', $page_class, $tmp_html);
    				$title_value = get_the_title(); // default
    				$use_custom_title = trim($a['use_custom_title']);
    				$meta_title = ''; // default - no meta_title
    				// If meta title field specified, get the value
    				if ( $use_custom_title != '' ) {
    					// Get value of custom field to be used as title
    					$meta_title = trim(get_post_meta($id, $use_custom_title, TRUE));
    					// If value from custom field is set, use that - otherwise use page title
    					if ( $meta_title != '' ) {
    						$title_value = esc_html(trim($meta_title));
    				if ( ! $link_titles ) {
    					$title_html = $title_value;
    					$title_class = '';
    				else {
    					$title_html = '<a class="' . $title_link_class . '" href="' . $link . '"';
    					if ( $link_target != '' ) $title_html .= ' target="' . $link_target . '"';
    					$title_html .= ' title="' . $title_value . '">' . $title_value . '</a>';
    					$title_class = ' class="ccpage_linked_title"';
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{title}}', $title_html, $tmp_html);
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{title_class}}', $title_class, $tmp_html);
    				$meta = array();
    				if ( $show_author ) {
    					$meta[] = '<span class="cc-meta-data">' . __( 'Author: ', 'cc-child-pages') . get_the_author_link() . '</span>';
    				if ( $show_date_created ) {
    					$meta[] = '<span class="cc-meta-data">' . __( 'Created: ', 'cc-child-pages') . get_the_date() . '</span>';
    				if ( $show_date_modified ) {
    					$meta[] = '<span class="cc-meta-data">' . __( 'Modified: ', 'cc-child-pages') . get_the_date() . '</span>';
    				if ( count( $meta ) > 0 ) {
    					$tmp_meta = implode( ', ', $meta );
    					$meta_html = str_replace('{{meta}}', $tmp_meta, $meta_template);
    				else {
    					$meta_html = '';
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{meta}}', $meta_html, $tmp_html);
    				$thumb_url = '';
    				$thumbs_html = '';
    				if ( $thumbs != FALSE ) {
    					$thumb_attr = array(
    						'class'	=> "cc-child-pages-thumb",
    						'alt'	=> $title_value,
    						'title'	=> $title_value,
    					// Get the thumbnail code ...
    					$thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($id, $thumbs, $thumb_attr);
    					if ( $thumbnail != '' ) {
    						// Thumbnail found, so set thumb_url to actual URL of thumbnail
    						$tmp_thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($id);
    						$tmp_thumb_url_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src($tmp_thumb_id, 'thumbnail-size', true);
    						$thumb_url = $tmp_thumb_url_array[0];
    					// If no thumbnail found, request a "Video Thumbnail" (if plugin installed)
    					// to try and force generation of thumbnail
    					if ( $thumbnail == '' ) {
    						// Check whether Video Thumbnail plugin is installed.
    						// If so, call get_video_thumbnail() to make sure that thumnail is generated.
    						if ( class_exists('Video_Thumbnails') && function_exists( 'get_video_thumbnail' ) ) {
    							// Call get_video_thumbnail to generate video thumbnail
    							$video_img = get_video_thumbnail($id);
    							// If we got a result, display the image
    							if ( $video_img != '' ) {
    								// First, try to pick up the thumbnail in case it has been regenerated (may be the case if automatic featured image is turned on)
    								$thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($id, $thumbs, $thumb_attr);
    								// If thumbnail hasn't been regenerated, use Video Thumbnail (may be the full size image)
    								if ( $thumbnail == '' ) {
    									// First, try and find the attachment ID from the URL
    									$attachment_id = self::get_attachment_id($video_img);
    									$thumb_url = $video_img;
    									if ( $attachment_id != FALSE ) {
    										// Attachment found, get thumbnail
    										$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $thumbs ) . "\n\n<!-- Thumbnail attachment -->\n\n";
    									else {
    										$thumbnail .= '<img src="' . $video_img . '" alt="' . $title_value . '" />';
    					// If thumbnail is found, display it.
    					if ( $thumbnail != '' ) {
    						if ( $link_thumbs ) {
    							$thumbs_html = '<a class="ccpage_linked_thumb" href="' . $link . '"';
    							if ( $link_target != '' ) $thumbs_html .= ' target="' . $link_target . '"';
    							$thumbs_html .= ' title="' . $title_value . '">' . $thumbnail . '</a>';
    						else {
    							$thumbs_html = $thumbnail;
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{thumbnail}}', $thumbs_html, $tmp_html);
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{thumbnail_url}}', $thumb_url, $tmp_html);
    				$page_excerpt = '';
    				$excerpt_template = apply_filters('ccchildpages_excerpt_template', '<div class="ccpages_excerpt">{{page_excerpt}}</div>', $a);
    				if ( $show_page_content ) {
    					if ( $hide_wp_more ) {
    						$page_excerpt = get_the_content('');
    					else {
    						$hide_more = TRUE;
    						$page_excerpt = get_the_content();
    					// Remove any [child_pages] shortcodes to avoid creating an infinite loop
    					$page_excerpt = ccchildpages::strip_shortcode( $page_excerpt );
    					$page_excerpt = do_shortcode( $page_excerpt );
    					$page_excerpt = apply_filters('the_content', $page_excerpt);
    					$page_excerpt = str_replace( '{{page_excerpt}}', $page_excerpt, $excerpt_template );
    				elseif ( ! $hide_excerpt ) {
    					$words = ( intval($a['words']) > 0 ? intval($a['words']) : 55 );
    					$use_custom_excerpt = trim($a['use_custom_excerpt']);
    					$meta_excerpt = ''; // default - no meta_excerpt
    					// If meta excerpt field specified, get the value
    					if ( $use_custom_excerpt != '' ) {
    						// Get value of custom field to be used as excerpt
    						$meta_excerpt = trim(get_post_meta($id, $use_custom_excerpt, TRUE));
    					// If value from custom field is set, use that - otherwise use page content
    					if ( $meta_excerpt != '' ) {
    						$page_excerpt = trim($meta_excerpt);
    					else if ( has_excerpt() ) {
    						$page_excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    						if ( str_word_count(strip_tags($page_excerpt) ) > $words && $truncate_excerpt ) $page_excerpt = wp_trim_words( $page_excerpt, $words, '...' );
    					else {
    						if ( $hide_wp_more ) {
    							$page_excerpt = get_the_content(''); // get full page content without continue link
    						else {
    							$page_excerpt = get_the_content(); // get full page content including continue link
    						// Remove any [child_pages] shortcodes to avoid creating an infinite loop
    						$page_excerpt = ccchildpages::strip_shortcode( $page_excerpt );
    						$page_excerpt = do_shortcode( $page_excerpt );							
    						if ( str_word_count( wp_trim_words($page_excerpt, $words+10, '') ) > $words ) {
    							// If page content is longer than allowed words, 
    							$trunc = '...';
    						else {
    							// If page content is within allowed word count, do not add anything to the end of it
    							$trunc = '';
    						$page_excerpt = wp_trim_words( $page_excerpt, $words, $trunc );
    					$page_excerpt = str_replace( '{{page_excerpt}}', $page_excerpt, $excerpt_template );
    				$child_list_html = '';
    				if ( $depth != 1) {
    					$child_depth = ( $depth > 1 ) ? $depth -1 : $depth;
    					$child_args = array(
    						'depth'		=> $child_depth,
    						'child_of'	=> $id,
    						'echo'		=> false,
    						'title_li'	=> ''
    					$child_list_title = apply_filters('ccchildpages_child_list_title', '<h4 class="ccsubpages_title">{{subpage_title}}</h4>', $a);
    					$child_list_title = ( trim($a['subpage_title']) == '' ) ? '' : str_replace('{{subpage_title}}', $a['subpage_title'], $child_list_title);
    					$child_list_template = apply_filters('ccchildpages_child_list_template', '<div class="ccsubpages">{{child_list_title}}<ul>{{child_list}}</ul></div>', $a);
    					$child_list = wp_list_pages($child_args);
    					if ( trim($child_list) != '' ) {
    						$child_list_html = str_replace('{{child_list_title}}', $child_list_title, $child_list_template);;
    						$child_list_html = str_replace('{{child_list}}', $child_list, $child_list_html);;
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{excerpt}}', $page_excerpt, $tmp_html);
    				$more_html = '';
    				$use_custom_more = trim($a['use_custom_more']);
    				// If meta more field specified, get the value
    				if ( $use_custom_more != '' ) {
    					// Get value of custom field to be used as excerpt
    					$meta_more = trim(get_post_meta($id, $use_custom_more, TRUE));
    					// If value from custom field is set, use that - otherwise use page title
    					if ( $meta_more != '' ) {
    						$more = esc_html(trim($meta_more));
    				if ( ! $hide_more ) {
    					$more_html = str_replace( '{{more}}', $more, apply_filters('ccchildpages_more_template', '<p class="ccpages_more"><a href="{{link}}" {{link_target}} title="{{more}}">{{more}}</a></p>', $a ) );
    				$more_html .= $child_list_html;
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{more}}', $more_html, $tmp_html);
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{link}}', $link, $tmp_html);
    				if ( $link_target != '' ) {
    					$link_target = 'target="' . $link_target . '"';
    				$tmp_html = str_replace('{{link_target}}', $link_target, $tmp_html);
    				$return_html .= $tmp_html;
    			if ( $posts_per_page > 0 && $page < 1 ) {
    				$cc_link_format = '?' . $ccpage_var . '=%#%';
    				$cc_num_results = $parent->found_posts;
    				$cc_num_pages = intval(($cc_num_results - $offset)/$posts_per_page);
    				if ( ($cc_num_results - $offset)%$posts_per_page > 0 ) $cc_num_pages++;
    				$return_html .= '<div id="ccpages_nav-' . $cc_uid . '" class="ccpages_nav">' . paginate_links( array(
    					'format' => $cc_link_format,
    					'current' => $ccpaged,
    					'total' => $cc_num_pages
    					) ) . '</div>';
    			// Reset global post query
    		$return_html = str_replace('{{ccchildpages}}', $return_html, $outer_template);
    		$return_html = apply_filters( 'ccchildpages_before_shortcode', '', $a ) . $return_html . apply_filters( 'ccchildpages_after_shortcode', '', $a );
    //		wp_reset_query(); // Should not be required
    		return $return_html;
    	public static function enqueue_styles() {
    		$css_file = plugins_url( 'css/styles.css' , __FILE__ );
    		$css_skin_file = plugins_url( 'css/skins.css' , __FILE__ );
    		$css_conditional_file = plugins_url( 'css/styles.ie.css' , __FILE__ );
    		if ( !is_admin() ) {
    			// Load main styles
    			wp_enqueue_style( 'ccchildpagescss' );
    			// Load skins
    			wp_enqueue_style( 'ccchildpagesskincss' );
    			// Conditionally load fallback for older versions of Internet Explorer
    			wp_enqueue_style( 'ccchildpagesiecss' );
    			wp_style_add_data( 'ccchildpagesiecss', 'conditional', 'lt IE 8' );
    			// Load custom CSS
    			$custom_css = self::custom_css();
    			if ( $custom_css != '' ) {
    				wp_add_inline_style( 'ccchildpagesskincss', $custom_css );
    	private static function the_slug($id) {
    		$post_data = get_post($id, ARRAY_A);
    		$slug = $post_data['post_name'];
    		return $slug; 
    	public static function dashboard_widgets() {
    		if ( current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) {
    			wp_add_dashboard_widget('cc-child-pages-dashboard', 'CC Child Pages', 'ccchildpages::dashboard_widget_feed');
    	public static function dashboard_widget_feed() {
    		$content = file_get_contents('https://ccplugins.co.uk/feed/');
    		$x = new SimpleXmlElement($content);
    		echo '<ul>';
    		foreach($x->channel->item as $entry) {
    			echo '<li><a href="' . $entry->link . '" title="' . $entry->title . '" target="_blank">' . $entry->title . '</a></li>';
    		echo '</ul>';
    	public static function tinymce_buttons() {
    		if ( $options = get_option('cc_child_pages') ) {
    			if ( empty( $options['show_button'] ) ) {
    				// undefined - so set to true for backward compatibility
    				$show_button = TRUE;
    			else if ( $options['show_button'] == 'true' ) {
    				$show_button = TRUE;
    			else {
    				$show_button = FALSE;
    		else {
    			$show_button = TRUE;
    		if ( $show_button ) {
    			add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', 'ccchildpages::add_childpages_buttons' );
    			add_filter( 'mce_buttons', 'ccchildpages::register_childpages_buttons' );
    	public static function add_childpages_buttons ( $plugin_array ) {
    		$plugin_array['ccchildpages'] = plugins_url( 'js/ccchildpages-plugin.js' , __FILE__ );
    		return $plugin_array;
    	public static function register_childpages_buttons ( $buttons ) {
    		array_push( $buttons, 'ccchildpages');
    		return $buttons;
    	 * Add options page ...
    	// Set default values on activation ...
    	public static function options_activation () {
    		$options = array();
    		$options['show_button'] = 'true';
    		$options['customcss'] = '';
    		$options = apply_filters( 'ccchildpages_options', $options );
    		add_option( 'cc_child_pages', $options, '', 'yes' );
    	// Register settings ...
    	public static function register_options () {
    		register_setting( 'cc_child_pages', 'cc_child_pages' );
    	// Add submenu
    	public static function options_menu () {
    		add_options_page( 'CC Child Pages', 'CC Child Pages', 'manage_options', 'cc-child-pages', 'ccchildpages::options_page' );
    	// Display options page
    	public static function options_page () {
    <div class="wrap">
    	<form method="post" id="cc_child_page_form" action="options.php">
    			$show_button = FALSE;
    			if ( $options = get_option('cc_child_pages') ) {
    				if ( empty( $options['show_button'] ) ) {
    					// undefined - so set to true for backward compatibility
    					$show_button = TRUE;
    				else if ( $options['show_button'] == 'true' ) {
    					$show_button = TRUE;
    				$customcss = empty( $options['customcss'] ) ? '' : $options['customcss'];
    			else {
    				$show_button = TRUE;
    				$customcss = '';
    		<h2><?php _e('CC Child Pages options', 'cc-child-pages' ) ?></h2>
    		<p><label><?php _e( 'Add button to the visual editor:', 'cc-child-pages' ); ?> <input type="radio" name="cc_child_pages[show_button]" value="true" <?php checked(TRUE,$show_button) ?> > Yes <input type="radio" name="cc_child_pages[show_button]" value="false" <?php checked(FALSE,$show_button) ?> > No</label></p>
    		<p><label><?php _e( 'Custom CSS:', 'cc-child-pages' ); ?><br /><textarea name="cc_child_pages[customcss]" class="large-text code" rows="10"><?php echo esc_textarea($customcss) ?></textarea></label></p>
    		<?php do_action( 'ccchildpages_options_form', $options ); ?>
    		<p class="submit"><input  type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Update Options','cc-child-pages'); ?>" /></p>
    	 * Output Custom CSS
    	public static function custom_css() {
    		$custom_css = '';
    		if ( $options = get_option('cc_child_pages') ) {
    			if ( ! empty($options['customcss'])) {
    				if ( trim($options['customcss']) != '' ) {
    					$custom_css = trim( $options['customcss'] );
    		return $custom_css;
    	 * Show Excerpt for Pages ...
    	public static function show_page_excerpt () {
    		add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );
    	 * Get Attachment ID from URL
    	public static function get_attachment_id( $url ) {
    		$dir = wp_upload_dir();
    		// baseurl never has a trailing slash
    		if ( FALSE === strpos( $url, $dir['baseurl'] . '/' ) ) {
    			// URL points to a place outside of upload directory
    			return FALSE;
    		$file  = basename( $url );
    		$query = array(
    			'post_type'  => 'attachment',
    			'fields'     => 'ids',
    			'meta_query' => array(
    					'value'   => $file,
    					'compare' => 'LIKE',
    		$query['meta_query'][0]['key'] = '_wp_attached_file';
    		// query attachments
    		$ids = get_posts( $query );
    		if ( ! empty( $ids ) ) {
    			foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
    				// first entry of returned array is the URL
    				$tmp_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, 'full' );
    				if ( $url === array_shift( $tmp_url ) )
    					return $id;
    		return FALSE;
    	 * Get size information for thumbnail by size
    	private static function get_image_dimensions($thumbs) {
    		global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
    		$dimensions = array();
    		// If a default image size, use get options method
    		if ( in_array( $thumbs, array( 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'large' ) ) ) {
    			$dimensions['height'] = get_option( $thumbs . '_size_h' );
    			$dimensions['width'] = get_option( $thumbs . '_size_w' );
    		elseif ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $thumbs ] ) ) {
    			$dimensions['height'] = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $thumbs ]['height'];
    			$dimensions['width'] = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $thumbs ]['width'];
    		return $dimensions;
    	 * Show plugin links
    	public static function plugin_action_links( $links ) {
    		$links[] = '<a href="https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/cc-child-pages" target="_blank">Rate this plugin...</a>';
    //		$links[] = '<a href="https://www.ccplugins.co.uk" target="_blank">More from CC Plugins</a>';
    		return $links;
    	public static function plugin_row_meta( $links, $file ) {
    		$current_plugin = basename(dirname($file));
    		if ( $current_plugin =='cc-child-pages' ) {
    			$links[] = '<a href="options-general.php?page=cc-child-pages">' . __('Settings...', 'cc-child-pages') . '</a>';
    			$links[] = '<a href="https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/cc-child-pages" target="_blank">' . __('Rate this plugin...', 'cc-child-pages') . '</a>';
    			$links[] = '<a href="https://ccchildpages.ccplugins.co.uk/donate/" target="_blank">' . __('Donate...', 'cc-child-pages') . '</a> ' . __('(Your donations keep this plugin free & supported)', 'cc-child-pages');
    		return $links;
    	public static function add_query_strings ( $vars ) {
    		// Register query strings for paging ...
    		for ( $i=1; $i<25; $i++ ) {
    			$vars[] = 'ccpage' . $i;
    		$vars[] = 'ccchildpages';
    		return $vars;
    	public static function query_offset ( &$query ) {
    		// Check that query was called from CC Child Pages
    		if ( ! isset( $query->query_vars['ccchildpages'] ) ) return;
    		if ( $query->query_vars['ccchildpages'] != 'true' ) return;
    		// Check whether offset has been specified
    		$offset = ( isset($query->query_vars['offset']) ) ? intval ( $query->query_vars['offset'] ) : -1;
    		if ( $offset < 1 ) return;
    		// If we made it this far, the query is from CC Child Pages and an Offset has been specified!
    		$posts_per_page = ( isset($query->query_vars['posts_per_page']) ) ? intval( $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] ) : -1;
    		if ( $query->is_paged ) {
    			$paged = intval( $query->query_vars['paged'] );
    			if ( $paged > 0 ) {
    				$page_offset = $offset + ( ($paged-1) * $posts_per_page );
    			else {
    				$page_offset = $offset;
    		else {
    			$page_offset = $offset;
    		// By default, if posts_per_page is set to -1 offset is ignored.
    		// To get around this, if posts_per_page is set to -1 we will set it to something large
    		if ( $posts_per_page < 1 ) $query->set('posts_per_page', 1000000);
    	public static function exempt_from_wptexturize( $shortcodes ) {
    		$shortcodes[] = 'child_pages';
    		return $shortcodes;
    	public static function strip_shortcode( $page_excerpt ) {
    		// Remove any [child_pages] shortcodes to avoid the possibility creating a loop,
    		// and also to avoid the mess that may be created by having nested child pages displayed
    		$page_excerpt = str_replace( '[child_pages]', '', $page_excerpt ); // remove basic shortcode
    		$page_excerpt = preg_replace("~(?:\[child_pages/?)[^/\]]+/?\]~s", '', $page_excerpt); //remove shortcode with parameters
    		return $page_excerpt;
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  • Thread Starter nikdow


    BTW I am using plugin Inclusive Parents to get around WP problem that prevents private posts from being selected as parent in the page heirarchy.

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