• Resolved jh20001


    What is Twitter up to lately? Consistently looking for ways to ruin its network.

    I’ve been using this for a while now. Just one post a day to re-post one of the previous stories to help keep things fresh. Everything has been fine until suddenly today: “SUSPENDED This App has violated Twitter Rules and policies.”.

    How? Nothing bad (ie, offensive, or anything else negative) has ever been posted. The last post was about a consumer robot and everything is capable of.

    Is this part of a new policy of theirs to try to force people to pay into something?

    Update…I see why. I have three apps using the API and you can only have one now. They want you to pay $100/mo if you want more than one app. The other is the normal auto-post of new WP posts. The third will be deleted as I don’t need it that bad. Guess I can’t use this one either. Sucks. Twitter is on some powerful hallucinogens and really looking to chase away its community.

    Unless I can use the same app/API for both plugins?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by jh20001.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by jh20001.
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  • Same issue here – Twitter sent this message:
    “This is a notice that your app – RevivesOldPost – has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API.”
    Turns out they have a new developer tier system and this apparently doesn’t fit the model?? And tips on how to address this would be appreciated. Seems it will be happening to all your customers.

    Thread Starter jh20001


    Actually, all of my apps were suspended now. I think they are trying to bully people into paying $100/mo. If this is the case, we are going to join the list of users boycotting the social platform….

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by jh20001.


    Themeisle Support

    Hi @jh20001 , @davidfb

    Please reach out to Twitter support to clarify this issue as this limitation is imposed on their platform.

    Thank you for understanding.

    Thread Starter jh20001


    Oh, I have. They wound up re-instating one of the apps. They mass-kicked a lot of people, even those with a single app on their account. Clearly a mistake on their end or maybe a greedy attempt to bully people They quietly reinstated mine though. No response or anything. Just poof….it’s back again. I dialed Twitter use wa back because of it. I’m sure the platform won’t be lasting much longer at this rate.

    Ah, thanks. I reactivated the plugin and it’s working fine now. Guess they decided some were OK after all.

    My one-project account was suspended and still hasn’t been restored. Also got the email April 15th. Still shows this in the developer site:


    This App has violated Twitter Rules and policies. As a result, it can no longer be accessed. For assistance, submit a?support ticket.


    How did you all get your’s reinstated?

    I can’t find a way to appeal. No way to create a support ticket.

    My SNAP API is still active. When I do a test, I get an error. Burried in there is, “HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized”. When I manully post to Twitter from a blog entry, I get a similar error, “HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized perf: 7626143928 content-type: application/problem+json cache-control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0 content-length: 99 x-transaction-id: f53db956218d66db x-response-time: 3 x-connection-hash:…”

    Thanks, dschreiber

    In my case, I deactivated the plugin as it wasn’t working. It was unclear what to do about it as the Twitter interface had changed and I couldn’t find the API section (probably now a paid feature). Then @jh20001 mentioned it working again, so I reactivated the plugin and its now working again.

    When I posted my last article, the New Post interface displayed an error message, I think due to this Plugins section in the interface. But it didn’t affect anything.

    Thanks @davidfb . I just deactivated my SNAP plugin for a few minutes then re-activated it. My auto-post to Twitter still fails, but my auto-post to LINE works. I don’t want to stop the LINE autopost so I won’t deactivate the plugin. Maybe I can just stop the Twitter autopost for a few days then re-activate. I’ll try that.

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