Thanks for all the info, it was very helpful. I can see now that you need to know exactly which block of code to cut/paste in each file. In a straight across swap, the location link will then be in the middle and the category link will be on the right, assuming you paste into the starting location of the other code. These can be rearranged if need be, but let’s just get them swapped first to be sure everything works. Just in case, keep backups of the original files.
Cut/paste these lines from vGutWiaF (Courses): 193-194, 195-231 inclusive, paste the first set at the start of the below extracted code, the other set after the `<li><a href=”/colleges/?college_feature=popular” alt=”Most Popular” >Most Popular</a></li>
` line (119) left from in between the extractions below.
Cut/paste these lines from eqYQ2EJx (Colleges): 118 alone, 120-132 inclusive (119 remains), paste both as a contiguous block.
I hope that’s right! It’s a little difficult to keep everything straight when I’m not actually doing the edits. Check the resulting output carefully, it’s possible some div tags are not properly matched. Even worse things could happen too. If that’s the case, you’ll need to post the latest code in pastebin and I’ll straighten it out for you.
FYI, even though I completely understood your intent, you should not refer to javascript code as ‘java’. Java is a completely separate, unrelated language by Oracle. We are only using JavaScript and jQuery here, never Java ??