• Hi all,

    on the preferences pages it is described how to to place a single language in your WordPress menu – see below.

    Can you tell me – what is the shortcode to switch back to the original language?

    Thank you very much for help!


    How to place a single language in your WordPress menu
    For menu usage, you need to create a new menu, or use an existing menu, by navigating to “Appearance > Menus”.

    First you will need to enable “descriptions” for your menu items, which can be found in a tab labeled “Screen Options” in the upper-right area of the page.

    Once descriptions are enabled, follow these steps:
    Create a new menu item using “Link” as the menu item type.
    Use # for the URL
    Enter a navigation label of your choice. This label does not appear on your website – it is meant only to help you identify the menu item.
    Place the following shortcode into the “description” field, and modify it to display the language and navigation label of your choice:
    [glt language=”Spanish” label=”Espa?ol”]


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  • hello,

    really nice plugin, but have the same question…

    how do you revert back to original content?


    We have the same question. Thanks in advance!

    Hi everyone, with the single language option I’m afraid I don’t have a solution for this yet. When you click to fire a language it assumes that you want to translate to the language in full.

    Google does allow us to revert back to the original language through their standard drop-down, but I have not yet attempted to do this with single languages. I will look into this further and see if I can come up with a solution.

    Is there a way you can find out which language is in use? if we can do that then it’s easy to switch the code in php.


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