• Hello Ross and company,

    I am hoping you can help me.

    Since earlier today, I have been converting my main website — wwww.billkochman.com — over to the SSL protocol, using “Let’s Encrypt” and the “Certbot”.

    Other than having a problem now with figuring out how to have http requests redirected to https URLs instead, I have made considerable progress after a few headaches and frustrations; so much so that thousands of my web pages now have a green lock, to my extreme delight.

    I run my web server with MAMP PRO 4.1 on an old 24″ iMac running El Capitan 10.11.6.

    With most of my site now showing green locks in my web browser, I decided to move over to the WordPress part of my setup, so that I could convert everything in WordPress to https URLs as well.

    What I discovered upon going to my blog are two things:

    1. I have the gray lock with yellow caution warning icon due to mixed content, and some of my content not being secure, meaning the images, which is the same issue I had with the main part of my website until I fixed thousands of URLs via global find and replace with BBEdit.

    2. But what is just as bad, is that none of my images are now appearing on my main blog page, or on any of the individual post pages.

    Oddly enough, if I click on the edit button for a post, I do see the actual image in “visual” mode. Furthermore, in “text” mode, I can plainly see that the correct image URL is there in the code.

    I have done only two things which may have caused this, although I am not sure if that is truly the case or not.

    On WP’s “General Settings” page, I changed both the “WordPress Address” URL and the “Site Address” URL from “http” to “https”.

    Then, hoping to get rid of the gray lock and yellow warning icon, after backing up my entire WP database, I used phpMyAdmin to go into the WP Posts table, and I used the SQL function to find and replace all occurrences of “https://www.my-domain” in the posts’ contents with “https://www.my-domain”.

    Everything went without a hitch, and no errors were reported. In fact, I visually inspected the new SQL backup file after I saved it to a BBEdit text file. Everything was in fact converted from http to https.

    However, I still cannot see my images, unless I am in edit mode for a post.

    I installed your plugin, hoping that maybe it might be able to fix whatever is wrong. It is currently set to the “Simple” setting.

    Obviously, I don’t believe that your plugin caused this problem, because I hadn’t even installed it quite yet.

    Anyway, I am very new to SSL installations, having run my web server for years without it, being as I am not a commercial website. But, Google, Mozilla, etc., are now forcing everyone’s hand, and “Let’s Encrypt” and “Certbot” are free, so . . .

    At any rate, given the fact that you are much more knowledgeable than I regarding these things, if you have any idea how I can fix this missing images problem, I would really appreciate hearing it. Would raising the setting in your plugin possibly fix this, and the expense of more drag on the blog?

    Thanks so much!

    Kind regards,


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  • Thread Starter Bill Kochman


    Hello again,

    Just a quick update to my previous comments.

    I have done a few more things to see if it would help bring my images back on the main blog page, as well as on the post pages.

    1. First, I raised your plugin’s setting from “Simple” to “Content”. The immediate result is that I now have a green lock on all of the pages and posts I have looked at.

    In fact, after that, I raised it one level at a time, all the way to “Capture All”, to see if doing so would make any further improvement, and bring back my images.

    It did not, so I lowered it again back to “Content”, where it now sits.

    2. Although I didn’t really think that it would help any, I also realized that the links in my menu under my main page header image were still set to http. So, I went into my menu settings and changed them all to https. As I said, it made no difference.

    3. I used BatChmod to verify that my Content/Uploads folder — where all of my uploaded images are stored — had the proper permissions. It does, so that is not the issue here either. Besides, if the permissions were set wrong, then I would assume that I would not see the images in edit mode either.

    So the question is this: Why can I see the images if I look at a post in edit mode, but not in regular mode, either on the main blog page, or on the individual post pages?

    What would cause something like this to happen?

    Are there still some incorrect URLs somewhere in my WP database tables? That doesn’t seem to make sense, because then I wouldn’t be seeing the images anywhere, right?

    Again, if you have any ideas, I am all ears.

    Thanks so much.

    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day wordweaver777,

    My first guess would be that you have a page cache that is showing the old page content with http: instead of https: for the images. Make sure that you clear all of your caches.

    Beyond that, I’d need to look at the site in a browser, so please post a link to one of the offending pages. If you don’t want to post it publicly, please post to my support form.


    Thread Starter Bill Kochman


    Hello Ross,

    Thank you for your response.

    I apologize for my delay in getting back to you, but we just experienced a six-hour Internet outage here, itself being due to a scheduled power outage by our local power company. Thus, my hands were tied, and I haven’t been able to get much done here.

    At any rate, a short bit ago, after the Internet came back up, I did a quick web search, and what I discovered — as you probably already know, and which is why you were probably motivated to write your plugin — is that the issue of the SSL protocol breaking images on websites is a widely-known issue, including with WP, at least since 4.4.

    For example, I just read the following article:


    I also installed another plugin they suggested. Even though it hasn’t been updated in years, I took the chance, just to see if it would help, but it did not. I imagine that your plugin does some of the same things behind the scenes at its various settings.

    I also just looked at my main blog page in source mode in Firefox, just to verify that I had indeed converted all http URLs to https URLs in the mySQL database when I used phpMyAdmin earlier. Indeed, all URLs are now https.

    However, there is one issue I discovered which may possibly be the culprit: absolute URLs throughout the database. For example:

    src=\”https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/all-kinds-of-reasons-to-watch-television.png\” alt=\”\” width=\”500\” height=\”400\”

    On the actual post page in “edit” mode, it looks like this:


    My blog is very graphic intensive, and almost every post I make has an absolute URL similar to the above, which are automatically created by WP itself when I upload an image to the media library.

    So can I even change that?

    Doesn’t the database need to use full URLs in order to deliver the content to the blog viewer?

    And if I can change those to relative URLs in the database itself, without breaking something, what would I change them to?

    In other words, I am not even sure what the directory hierarchical relationship is between the actual image directory where the image is found, and the post page, being as the post pages are not physical pages on my hard drive, but merely exist in the database, correct?

    Something else which just occurred to me, which I am not sure about, is how well WP’s proprietary tags play with Google’s AMP specifications.

    For the record, during the past two weeks, I converted my entire website over to the AMP standard — well, there is still some mopping up to do — and most of my pages now pass Google’s AMP validation test.

    Anyway, if you have any ideas regarding how to proceed to fix what seems to be an SSL-related problem, I am all ears.

    BTW, I don’t know if this will help at all, but when I say that nothing is showing on my main blog page, or on the individual blog post pages, I really do mean nothing. There is no broken image. There is no alt tag in black text. Nothing. It is as if the image was never included in the post . . . unless I am in edit mode. Then it is there and doing fine.

    But I’ve got my green lock on all pages now. ??

    BTW, if you are in Australia, G’day to you as well. I am closer than you may think, on a small island far to your north-northeast. ??

    Thread Starter Bill Kochman


    Oh gosh! Oh gosh!

    Ross . . . I fixed it!

    A short bit ago, I had another look at my mySQL database backup in BBEdit.

    I did a bit more editing — find and replace — and changed some old URLs for a domain I still own, but which no longer has any content on it.

    Just now, I imported the updated database, and bingo! My images are back.

    I had to reset your plugin to “Content” again, in order to get back the green lock on all pages and posts, but I am a happy camper again . . . until the next WP crisis comes along. ??

    While this issue is now fixed, I would appreciate if you could take some time to respond to the other questions and comments I made, particularly regarding using absolute and relative URLs.

    In other words, should I just leave things as they are, being as I am getting a green lock with your plugin?

    Or can I do a find and replace in phyMyAdmin to change all of those absolute image URLs to my uploads folder, without breaking my blog completely?

    This is not related to your plugin, but if you are familiar with MAMP PRO, can you tell me how to insert a redirect in the httpd.conf template file, so that all requests to http URLs are automatically redirected to https URLs for my site instead?

    I tried one redirect, but it did not seem to work.

    I also tried adding a rewrite rule to the .htaccess file that is located at the top level of my main website’s folder hierarchy; that is, in the root folder, or HTML folder, but it does not seem to work either.

    I am not very experienced with writing redirects, or rewrite rules, so maybe I wrote it wrong, or put it in the wrong place.

    The redirect or rewrite rule simply needs to tell all http requests to https://www.billkochman.com to be sent to https://wwww.billkochman.com instead.

    Oh, and in the case of the httpd.conf file, exactly where should I put it?

    I’ve read different things on the web, but it has left me confused.

    Thanks so much!


    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Bill,

    I strongly recommend that you use a WordPress plugin to do search and replace (or use wp-cli if you have access to that). There are things in the WordPress database that you can break if you do a simple update in phpMyAdmin. Here’s a plugin I recommend for WordPress search/replace jobs:


    Here’s a simple answer to your redirect rules problem. Take the code and put it into your site’s .htaccess file:


    Note that your server must have mod_redirect installed and enabled. This is part of the Apache web server. You’ll need to check that — I don’t use MAMP so you’ll need to find that out yourself.

    In general, I recommend absolute URLs over relative ones, in WordPress at least. If you have a system that is built to properly handle relative URLs, it’s a different story — e.g. for MediaWiki, URLs are handled through different mechanisms that handle moving the wiki base around. WordPress just isn’t built that way, so I preference absolute URLs which you can manage with a search/replace tool if required.

    When moving the site from a development site to a live site, or taking a copy from live to a test/staging site, I recommend using a tool like this one. I use the Pro version, and find it invaluable.



    Thread Starter Bill Kochman


    Hello again Ross. Thanks for your response. It must be around lunch time where you are. It is just after 1 PM, same day, here.

    Over the past few days, I had actually come across that Better Search and Replace plugin. However, I already have so many plugins installed — which raises the potential for conflicts occurring — that I decided to stick with phpMyAdmin’s update function.

    I do agree, however, that conducting global search and replaces on a WP posts table is risky business, or in the entire database via a quick and easy BBEdit global find and replace. So, I have downloaded that plugin, and may give it a go the next time that I need to do a wide-scale find and replace.

    Regarding absolute URLs vs relative URLs, that is a bit of a tricky one. The reason is rather simple. What I have learned in recent days from implementing the AMP standard, as well as SSL/TSL, is that BOTH of them frown upon absolute URLs. SSL views it as a security vulnerability, and the AMP standard doesn’t like them either. It may be for security reasons as well. I really can’t remember now. Google is VERY strict when it comes to AMP, and I had to make a lot of changes to my HTML code before my pages would pass the AMP validation test.

    In fact, I had to comb through my entire HTML folder for my primary domain, and change as many URLs as possible to relative URLs, other than those which point to external resources.

    Regarding my redirect issue, it has been driving me nuts for a few days now, frustrating me, and even giving me a headache. I have looked at the info that is available on the MAMP PRO website, on the Apache website, on a variety of a support forums, etc.

    My gosh, Ross, folks suggest so many different things, and so many different code examples to use directly in the httpd.conf file, or in an .htaccess file. I have tried quite a few of them, but none of them have worked for me, other than one which will redirect an http request to the site’s home page, to the https version of the same. But as far as redirecting all http requests to their exact https counterparts, I have been stumped.

    What I also learned is that there are two camps: the httpd.conf camp, and the .htaccess camp. What the “legalists” say, is that the httpd.conf approach is the right and proper way to go, and the Apache website agrees with them. Thus, I have been trying to figure out the httpd.conf approach, but without success thus far.

    Either it just plain won’t work, or my code prevents Apache from even starting. So I am still not getting it right. I am not even absolutely sure where to place the redirect code, but I have been opting for the <VirtualHost> section of the httpd.conf file.

    BTW, MAMP PRO does use the Apache server. It is just its own instance of Apache, apart from OS X’s built-in Apache server. You can’t have both running at the same time, or it causes a conflict.

    Anyway, as of now, the redirect issue still remains unresolved. I have already written to the MAMP PRO folks, but they have yet to respond. They can be rather slow, which is frustrating. Ha! Even you responded quicker than them! ??

    Thanks for your other suggestions as well. I will have a look at those, possibly later today.

    Kind regards.

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