Normally, your website is already on HTTP and you would switch to HTTPS to satisfy the quasi officialdom who insists you need to be running an SSL certificate and to appease the web browsers (and their users) who think your site is less than official or even real if you don’t abide by their expectations.
It’s also much more productive to do so as visitors won’t need to deal with browser warnings and search engines will pay better attention to your site but you might be a cantankerous old goat like me who thumbs his nose at web societal’s approved manners and code of conduct. You do have a choice!
I do believe HTTPS is what you really wish to do. The above is to provide some explanation to those who might be confused when they read this question.
Anyway, what I’ve done is place my WordPress powered sites on Cloudflare and make use of their plugin to take my HTTP based site to HTTPS using their free SSL certificates.
The above will bring your site into compliance, hide your origin server from the world, and provide one of the best DNS services a website can have. That should really provide you with all you need for your site.
Should you need SSL for your server itself for some form of compliance such as HIPPA or for a StoreFront then the Cloudflare documentation will help you establish end to end HTTPS service also.
That’s a win-win in my book and should cover your concerns.