• Resolved Phil


    Hi, I have a client approach me who had a site developed using your plugin. Recently, they have not been able to add or even view fields in their admin pages. After some tracing of the issue, I find there is an error originating from a file in your plugin:

    SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'

    This originates in file:
    /wp-content/plugins/flexible-product-fields/assets/js/fpf_admin.jsx on line 26

    Line 26 shows:
    const DragHandle = SortableHandle(() => <span className="fpf-drag"><span className="dashicons dashicons-menu"></span></span>);

    I could try and play around to find a fix but if this is a known bug, I didn’t want to charge and apply a fix if there was an update coming to tackle it.

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  • Hello @owendevelopment,

    Probably the reason for this problem is another plugin which also uses the React and there is a plugin conflict.
    The best way to find the cause will be if you activate only our plugin and WooCommerce and try to activate plugin one by one, to see which plugin makes this issue.

    Best regards,

    As we haven’t got any replies, I’m marking this topic as resolved for now.

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