SyntaxError: expected expression in fpf_admin.jsx
Hi, I have a client approach me who had a site developed using your plugin. Recently, they have not been able to add or even view fields in their admin pages. After some tracing of the issue, I find there is an error originating from a file in your plugin:
SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'
This originates in file:
/wp-content/plugins/flexible-product-fields/assets/js/fpf_admin.jsx on line 26Line 26 shows:
const DragHandle = SortableHandle(() => <span className="fpf-drag"><span className="dashicons dashicons-menu"></span></span>);
I could try and play around to find a fix but if this is a known bug, I didn’t want to charge and apply a fix if there was an update coming to tackle it.
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